Surgery For Stefan/Operacija Za Stefana
Our dear family member and friend Stefan Miljkovic, born in 1990, is fighting a serious and extremely rare disease - a tumor called Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma on his lung tissue - which are (malignant) cancerous. As discovered and confirmed by the Institute for Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, Serbia. Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is a rare type of vascular tumor that affects the epithelial cells, which line the inside of blood vessels. In order to stand a chance in this unequal fight, a surgery is necessary - in Zurich, Switzerland. The type of treatment recommended and available is EPP (extrapleural pneumonectomy), the best results in Europe have been published by the University Hospital in Zurich and Ruhrlandklinik Essen. This venture requires large financial resources that the family is unable to gather. We pray that all people of good will, and to the best of their ability will donate what they can. Payments can also be made locally to the account number: [phone redacted]100876749-35 at Banca Intesa.
Naš sugrađanin iz Indjije Stefan Miljković, rođen 1990. godine bori se protiv teške i izuzetno retke bolesti - tumora na plućnoj maramici. Kako bi imao šanse u toj neravnopravnoj borbi, neophodna je operacija u Cirihu. Ovaj poduhvat zahteva velika finansijska sredstva koja porodica nije u mogućnosti da obezbedi. Mole se svi ljudi dobre volje da, u skladu sa mogućnostima, pomognu. Uplate se mogu izvršiti na žiro račun broj: 160-5800100876749-35, Banka Inteza.
Šabac news:
Telegraf news:
For worldwide currency donation you can donate directly to Stefan’s PayPal account:
For local RSD Serbian dinar donations to Banca Intesa: Uplate se mogu izvršiti na žiro račun broj: 160-5800100876749-35, Banka Inteza
For Euro currency donations to Banca Intesa:
56: Intermediary:
Intesa Sanpaolo spa Milano
57: Account With Institution:
Banca Intesa ad Beograd Milentija Popovica 7b, 11070 Novi Beograd Republic of Serbia
59: Beneficiary Customer:
IBAN RS35160583020054367070 STEFAN MILJKOVIC UGRINOVACKA 180/1/3
For more information regarding Stefan’s surgery, access to donation links, shareable hot buttons to social media accounts, and other hyperlinks please visit the personalized website:
Please keep opening your hearts this Christmas season, share and donate to the best of your abilities!
Molimo vas da otvorite svoja srca tokom ove Božićne sezone, delite i poklanjajte najbolje što možete!