Zable’s story
We are starting this page for our very
dear friend Meghan and her daughter
Isabella, or Zable (as we lovingly call
While most children were preparing
for the start of a new school year Isabella was being diagnosed with a rare cancer
called Chordoma. Chordoma is a cancer
that is rare in adults and extremely rare
in people younger than age 35yr. Due to
the rarity of this cancer the closest
Pediatric Neurosurgeon who specializes in Chordoma tumors is in Boston, MA.
Following her surgery Isabella will be
receiving proton radiation 5 days a week for several weeks in Boston.
During this time of worrying, praying,
traveling between states, their family,
and their home( three states away),
Isabella’s parents Meghan and
Chris will be unable to reopen their
Brewer restaurant Humble. With
Humble being their major source of
income this family needs our help!
For those of you who know Isabella’s
mom Meghan, you know that she will
give the shirt off her back and her very
last dollar to help anyone, even a
stranger, who needs it! Because she is
always looking out for others
Meghan would never ask for help, so
those that she has helped in the past, are
asking for her ❤️.