This has all been very overwhelming and very rapid. My brother Zac Cornell has been in the hospital since Sunday July 19, 2015. His symptoms started off with him having so much back pain and problems with his hips. Zac had been seeking treatment and help for several weeks. He was being turned away by many dr's and local hospitals in the area until the 19th. His wife Arica finally said enough is enough and wanted her husband to have answers. St Mary's hospital in Decatur finally listened to him and they started running tests. In the beginning results they had found fluid and inflammation on Zac's spine & right hip. Antibiotic started and pain medicine began but, that wasn't the end. The next day Zac went under for a Bone Marrow scan and biopsy. Test results came back on his birthday ( July 22)that he infact was dealing with so much more. CANCER. The doctor had no specific answers to what kind of cancer was attacking and spreading so rapidly. Days and days of waiting test results from an outside lab finally came back that Zac was battling Acute myeloid Leukemia. This a blood cancer and is unpredictable. Zac started Round One of Chemo the same day he found out( July 26,2015) what kind of cancer he had . Zac is employed at Tate n Lyle in Decatur. He has 3 children. 15 year old daughter, 14 year old daughter and a 1 year old son. With his wife being a stay at home mother and receiving this news it has put a huge burden on their family. We are asking for any type of help with their expenses including Hospital bills, treatments and whatever you can think of to help them get through these hard times. This is a battle he is not fighting alone! We appreciate all the prayers and people that have poured out so much love.
Let's take a little ease off their pain.