Zach Siebert Emergency Medical Expenses
Donation protected
To everyone who has met my brother Zach, he is one of the most sparkling, joyous, and positive humans I have been grateful enough to have in my life and yet even better to call him my brother. Zach is one of those who will go on a limb for anyone of his friends, family or strangers to help them out, but never asking for anything in return.
This is why I have created this Go Fund me to help Zach out in these very uncertain, tragic, and callous times.
This past Tuesday evening, Zach was on vacation in Mexico with a group of friends at the house they were staying. While watching the sunset with some friends from their house’s elevated backyard pool/porch in San Jose Del Cabo, Zach took a misstep on the pool's edge and fell from a far distance straight to the cement.
Zach sustained multiple severe injuries and was rushed to the AMC Hospital in San Jose Del Cabo. Zach was sedated, and the medical staff there performed wonders to get him stabilized. My family and I didn’t know if he would make it through the night due to his body going into hypovolemic shock for how much blood he was losing. This shock was due to his internal bleeding caused by the trauma of the fall. But, miraculously, the team got him stabilized 12 hours later, and I went from thinking I had lost my brother to getting to tell him how much I love him with my family on the phone.
There is some good news in the fact that Zach miraculously doesn’t have any spinal cord or head injuries and is going to be ok. Of course, there is a long recovery journey ahead, but Zach is one of the most robust and positive humans I know and will heal through these injuries.
From all that we know, Zach has sustained; A broken pelvis, broken tailbone, a broken right femur in several places, two broken heels, a broken foot, a broken left wrist, and a broken right elbow. They are keeping his fractures immobilized for the swelling to go down to start his long list of surgeries that need to take place to get him fixed up and to start the healing process.
One of the main issues is that Zach is down in Mexico, my mother and sister flew down today and are helping to organize a medevac to get him to the hospitals in San Diego where his health insurance covers him. With so many unknowns and very costly and unpredictable medical expenses, I started this fundraiser to help ease the financial stress on my brother and my family. I know my brother would never want to reach out for help, but this is a dire time for our family and especially for Zach. This way, Zach can focus on getting back on his feet, and we can provide him with the best care and medical attention he needs to heal in the best way possible.
If there is any way you can help out either financially or send my brother some positive love and strong healing thoughts, this would be much appreciated. Life is so fragile, and my brother is a fortunate man; it could have been much worse. Tell all your friends and family that you love them each and every day <3
Organizer and beneficiary
Griffin Siebert
Salt Lake City, UT
Elizabeth Siebert