Zach and Ashlen's European Journey!
Hi there! We are Zach and Ashlen, and starting September 12th we are going to be taking a 6 month tour of Europe. We'll be starting in Iceland, and working our way south as winter approaches.
This is the first major traveling that either of us have done, and we're very excited to start our journey! However, as you might imagine, traveling for such a long time is quite expensive.
We have (hopefully) enough funds to make it through the 6 months, but would love some buffer funds in case of unforseen emergencies. And we want to offer some rewards for your help! Postcards, walking tour videos, whatever we (and you) can think of!
Thank you all in advance for anything you can give, it means the world to us!
Zach's blog: https://mentatwanderings.blogspot.com/
Ashlen's blog: http://shewillwander.blogspot.com/
$5: A shoutout on social media and our blogs!
$10: Postcard from a random country (+all above rewards)
$50: Access to 5-10 minute walking tour videos, at least one for each country (+all above rewards)
$100: Personalized video, walking tour, or ukulele song request (+all above rewards)
$1000: You just paid for train tickets and 3 days to wherever you want to send us! In return we'll send you back a souvenir! (+all above rewards)
$2000: We will spend an entire week at your command! Tell us where to go, what to see, and we'll document the entire thing! (+all above rewards)