Zachary Vazquez
Zach was in a head on Collision In Smyrna
Beach Florida and the driver who hit him was
fatally injured. Zach survived but is in serious condition and in the ICU.
Zachary has suffered a broken leg, foot, arm. Broke three of his teeth and cracked his ribs!! Zach is not able to talk and only allowed
visitors from his wife and his brother.
Zach is a working Actor and model and makes his living this way. He has a long road ahead
of him and will need time to heal and get back
on his feet and will need help with His medical
bills. Zach was recently married to a beautiful young lady with a little boy. This wonderful
Family needs help. I would apprentice any
money you can give to help our dear friend
ZACHERY VAZQUES. Thank you in advance.
Please Pray for a quick recovery and for his
family through this tragedy. ❤️❤️