Zakariah Moser
I am taking on the 2024 London Landmarks Half Marathon to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity.
I am raising money for GOSH as they undergo treatment to save my son and help him become cancer free!
On May 15th 2023 we got the devastating news that our baby boy Zakariah was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Our world had been completely flipped upside down and we had no idea how we were going to deal with this news.
We first had concerns about Zak when we noticed some small lumps forming on top of his head. We had 2 visits to the local GP, where we were told it was not of concern. Something still didn’t sit right with us, so we decided to take him to A&E. We were referred to a specialised clinic where they carried out a CT scan that identified that the lumps on his head were inflamed lymph nodes. They then sent off numerous blood tests, which was where they identified that he was Leukaemia positive. We were told that the lumps on his head are a very rare way of discovering that he had leukaemia.
On May 16th 2023 Zak was transferred to Great Ormand Street Hospital (GOSH) where he begun his road to recovery. After numerous tests they detected that the type of Leukaemia that he has B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL).
B-Cell ALL is the most common form of leukaemia within babies, however it is very rare in babies under the age of 1 year. For context, on average there are only 6 babies under the age of 1 year, in the UK each year, that are diagnosed with this type.
At the time of writing this we are 2 months into Zak’s long treatment process and so far everything is going to plan. The treatment that is available at GOSH is mind blowing and we’ve already seen in this 2 months the positive impact it is having. At this stage there is NO leukaemia in his blood, NO leukaemia in his spinal fluid and minimal leukaemia left in his bone marrow.
Without the treatment that is provided at GOSH who knows what situation we would be in right now and with every donation we can help more children get the amazing treatment that we have!
Mitchell Moser
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity