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My name is Kip Olson, I am a brother of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, that unfortunately lost our dear friend and brother Charles Quincey Gage IV last spring. Chase was an exceptional human being that loved nothing more than being there for his family and friends, giving back to the community, and living life to the absolute fullest potential! I fortunately had the pleasure of meeting Chase on move in day my freshman year of college, I can remember meeting him for the first time, noticing his cheeky smile and happy easy going presence immediately. Chase was the kind of person that always put others first above his own self. Something that I will never forget about him! He truly exemplified what it meant to be a loving and outgoing person every single day! Chase was the type of person who was always willing to help others in any means possible and to encourage others to pursue their goals and be the best they can possibly be.
Unfortunately, his time on earth was cut short because of a terrible car accident last May. A day that I will never forget and will stay with me for the rest of my life. Chase was an exceptional human being that impacted every singly person around him in ways that astounds me to this very day! He is and will forever be my best friend! My goal is to honor him properly by constructing a memorial garden outside of our fraternity house for all to cherish all the great memories he shared with everyone he came into contact with. Chase was the type of person to drop everything and help others, that was one of his many characteristics that will remain with me forever! He taught me so many things about life and what it meant to be an exceptional friend, brother, and human being, something I want to share with the world!
He always was smiling and his presence never went unnoticed. It has been my goal since his passing to orchestrate the best way possible to ensure his legacy will continue to be apart of everyone’s lives even after his early departure from this world. His presence still remains with me in my everyday life, and I know his presence and loving attitude remains prominent in hundreds if not thousands of lives that he has touched throughout his time. As a close friend and brother to Chase, I have taken it upon myself to ensure his legacy lives on and continues to impact the lives of people who had the honor and pleasure of knowing Chase and those who unfortunately did not get that pleasure.
My goal is to raise $10,000 to erect a proper memorial in his honor because I know if the tables had turned he would be doing the same for me and any one else who would have been placed in this tragic accident. I know my goal is attainable and have already received so much love and support to pursue my dream of honoring a man who made it his life's mission to make an impact on others in ways that are truly incredible. All the funds attained after our goal is reached will be donated to his memorial scholarship here at Wittenberg University.
This is just my story, and there are hundreds more just like it out there waiting to be heard! Chase impacted so many lives in such an overwhelming way, that I want to make absolute sure that his presence is never forgotten! Chase had an unspoken motto that he encompassed in his everyday life that has become even more prominent in so many lives today, this being, "Smile first, and Ask Questions Later." This mentality of his will be forever immortalized not only in the Wittenberg Community, but with whomever knew Chase. He was a young entrepreneur that owned his own lawn care business at the age of 16, and had so much to offer the world in his time to come. He was always and forever a friend first, something that is extremely rare to come by in this day and age.
A dear friend to Chase and his family, Oliver Roach, gave one of the most inspiring and accurate descriptions of the type of person Chase was in his eulogy and is something that I will never forget! His eulogy will be attached below for all to share and cherish, and for anyone who didn't have the pleasure of knowing Chase personally will be able to get a better understanding of who Chase was and still remains in our hearts today.
I am not asking for everyone to make huge donations, because it is all the small and sincere donations that add up. I want to sincerely thank all of you who donate to this wonderful cause and can not express in words my full gratitude to all of you how important it is to myself, our brothers, and all of the people Chase Gage greatly impacted throughout his life! This has been my dream to be able to honor my dear friend in a way that will continue to exist forever here at Wittenberg University.
I have been asked what exactly does it mean to Chase Life, and there is no single answer that best defines this. But, I can however tell you it is the little things in life that truly allow one to demonstrate these very same characteristics that Chase exemplified in his every day life that truly bring an understanding to what Chasing Life is all about. It is about Chasing your passions, your hopes and dreams, and most importantly Chasing Life. You are the master of your own fate, and the captain of your own soul, something I believe Chase did so extravagantly on an everyday basis. He has left so many with an everlasting impression of what truly defines one as a good human being. There will never be another Chase Gage to walk the face of the earth unfortunately, but, we owe it to the world to be the best we all can be, to carry on his mentality and loving way of life so that others may have the pleasure of enjoying the same characteristics of life Chase so greatly exemplified. No one will ever be able to replace Chase, but we owe it to the world to be just like you! To restore faith in mankind that there are still people out there with an enormous, kind, and generous heart like his!
He is still a vital root that helps strengthen his family everyday. The Gage family was like one I have never encountered before, so open, loving, passionate, and driven group of individuals who thrived individually, but together are unstoppable! This strong presence of family is still very noticeable in the Gage's and helps encourage me to continue to my mission to immortalize Chase Gage as a brother, a son, a best friend, and most importantly a genuine human being! He was one to accept everyone for who they were, no matter what background they came from, give each and every individual he came in contact with 110% of his attention and devotion, and to leave them always on a positive note. Chase was always the go to friend to pick you up, dust you off, and get you back on your feet when you needed it the most, and encourage you even more when you were standing on your own two feet! That is the very person Chase Gage was.
This is everlasting memory of Chase that will reside in me until it is my time to depart this earth, and it is my goal to pass his story and passion on to others. One vital linkage I have recently come upon, in regards to Chase, can be seen through Wittenberg's very own motto, "Having Light, We Pass it on to Others!" Chase has this light, the light of hope, love, passion, determination, and so many other qualities that he has passed on to others throughout his life! Now, it is my goal to do the same in order to honor Chase for the person he was and will forever continue to be in all of our hearts. It is our responsibility to pass his light on to others, so that all can cherish his loving memory and leave a positive impact on this world. Chase may not be physically with us anymore, but his personality, love, and passion will remain in all of us for an eternity, and by raising money in order to build him a proper memorial in his honor is our way in making sure his light is passed on to others! Thank you all for your love and support! Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to chase my passions and dreams, just like Chase had done so many times before, and please pass on his eternal light so that all may enjoy his everlasting presence!
With Tremendous Love,
Christian "Kip" Olson
Wittenberg Class of 2017
Yesterday afternoon we laid to rest a spectacular individual whose life was ended much too soon. I was asked to speak on behalf of the Gage Family in order to honor Chase and tell the story of his incredible 19 years on this Earth. As expected, it was very difficult to summarize Chase's life in a single speech. After spending the entire week with his friends and family, this speech basically wrote itself. He had so many people in his life that loved and cared for him and every one of them came together to share their beautiful memories of Chase. Below is the transcript that was read at Chase's funeral on Sunday, May 17th, 2015. These are words that deserve to be shared and read over and over again in order to memorialize Chase's inspiring existence. Rest in peace Chase. You will be missed.
"I was welcomed into the Gage family 3 years ago, today, on May 17th, 2012 when Selby and I officially started our relationship. As with any family, you expect some resistance when you first start dating their one and only daughter. But, as you all know, the Gage’s are not your typical family. The Gage’s have a policy of what I call 'smile first, and ask questions later.' The Chief Operating Officer of this philosophy was Chase Gage.
You see, when you have a life like Chase’s, it becomes difficult not to smile on a regular basis. He had what every working adult could dream of, except he had it by the age of 19. Business owner, homeowner, academic scholar, college athlete, and of course, heartthrob. The success he was able to achieve at such a young age came as no surprise to anyone who got to know him. His work ethic was something that could not be described, but was easily observed as you drove up and down the streets of Grandview. No matter what time of the day it was, there was Chase with his shirt off sitting atop his riding mower. If the sun was shining, or even if it was not, Chase was smiling, almost an unusually big smile for someone covered in dirt. But that was Chase, the only kid I have ever met that would choose mulching over watching television, playing video games, or pretty much anything else. This “smile while you work” philosophy was so infectious that Chase’s lawn care business grew exponentially year after year. Chase’s clientele always received his best work because he knew no other way to do his job.
When Chase was off the clock, and wearing a shirt, he always knew how to have a good time. Of course, it was easy to conclude how bright and colorful his personality was if you simply walked into his closet. And yes, this 19 year old had a walk in closet. From his impressive shoe collection to his assortment of pants and shirts, everything was color coordinated and in precise order. Chase was organized because he had to be. Not many people could balance an exceptional work ethic with a booming social life like his. Everyone wanted a piece of Chase in hopes that his passion, happiness and success would rub off on them. And it did. He had a way of including all of those around him and at the same time showing them how to truly enjoy themselves. He loved and cared for so many people and they cared for him right back.
At the heart of his ability to love was his special family. Chase was lucky enough to be born into one of the closest and most loving families on Earth. From his grandparents, to his aunts and uncles, to his many cousins, Chase had a network of family members that he considered best friends. I challenge you to find a family tree with stronger branches than the Gage’s. At the core of this family are Chase’s incredible parents, Quint and Laura, along with his beautiful sister, Selby. I can tell you from experience in their household that not a day went by where Chase did not feel loved and supported. There was no one that believed in him more than his core family members. They constantly pushed him to achieve what they knew he was destined to accomplish in the first place. Chase didn’t need someone to tell him he could do whatever he wanted to and still be successful, but they told him anyway. Day after day I watched Chase wake up to a homemade breakfast as he chatted with his parents and sister about what he had planned that day. He would talk about how many lawns he needed to mow that morning, what new piece of technology he was going to invest in next, and where their family should travel to at the next possible opportunity. They would laugh and smile as an automatic response to their joyful existence together. He would give them all a hug, tell them he loved them, and head out for the day. When he returned from those long days of work, his family would be sitting in the living room together. Mom reading a new book, Dad enjoying a glass of wine, and Selby focused on the Food Network. They always knew when he returned home because his sound system would boom all the way down the driveway as the dogs barked excitedly, announcing his return. When he stepped inside and promptly pet the dogs, he picked up with his family right where they left off in conversation that morning. These simple rituals were looped all Summer long and it was so genuinely blissful that there was no reason for it to change.
Even with all this love and support he was receiving, what was most important to Chase was giving back to his family. When Chase was 13 years old he began writing his own autobiography, which he assured his family members would be worth a lot of money some day. When he was asked what he would do with all that money he made from his world famous autobiography, he said he would buy a cottage in Italy for his father, a bookstore for his mother, and a Panera for his sister. This giving mentality translated into the friendships he made with people outside of his family as well. And thanks to the type of person Chase was, he was able to make friends wherever he had the opportunity. I have compiled a list of statements made from Chase’s friends after his passing, and I would like to share them with you now. The following quotes can give you a better idea of what type of person Chase was because these are not exaggerations, but true feelings towards a kind soul.
'There will be moments in the short term and perhaps in the long term when I'll be reminded of Chase's early departure. In the short term, I will naturally mourn the loss of a dear friend and brother. However, as I press on and move forward, I will strive to emulate one of Chase's strongest qualities (although there were many). Whether it's walking into work on a Monday morning with a smile on, reaching out to someone in need, telling a friend or family member how much I appreciate them, or just simply paying it forward, I will attempt to reflect and act in memory of a fantastic individual. I feel as though Chase would want nothing more than to see his friends embrace this outlook. I encourage and challenge all of those affected by this loss to consider this perspective in honor of Chase.'
'His smile was so big it could light up a room, his eyes vibrant with energy yet, very comforting almost like you've known him your whole life. He was full of life no matter what he did. His hard work and ability to focus on the "now" was incredible. He was special... he had a warm, loving heart that his mother instilled in him and the dedication/self-motivation to do anything.'
'Courageous, funny, loyal, creative, positive, adventurous, entrepreneur, best friend, brother, these are only a few of many words I can use to describe you. But no words can express how much I'm going to miss you.'
'You will always be remembered for your beaming personality and your genuineness. You truly are one of the kindest and funniest people I have ever met. You are loved by so many, and will be forever remembered.'
'Chase was one of the most amiable and dedicated people I've ever had the pleasure to compete alongside. His excitement and joviality were infectious, inspiring, and remain unparalleled.'
'Not another soul, or body, will be able to ever replace your kindness, wisdom, humor, and so much more. I thank you for letting me love more than I ever knew I could. I also thank you for sharing your wonderful talent and knowledge with me. More importantly, thank you for being my role model. I wouldn't have learned how to mow the grass, or how to correctly pick weeds, or even distinguish the cars that would drive by without you. Without your presence, I'm not sure I would have lived correctly. Chase, you've been a tremendous friend over the past 4+ years, and I couldn't thank you enough for allowing me to share such fantastic times with you. Whether that be going to Bubba and Pappas lake, or Spring break trips to Florida, or cookouts and concerts with the family, or our weekly shopping trips, or enjoyable runs that I forced you to join me on...I thank you for all those special times.'
'My entire life, I have never met anyone as genuine, kind, funny, and outgoing as you, Chase. You always know what to say when I need to hear it.'
'I keep thinking your name will pop up on my phone any second or you run up to my door and hug me, this is all very hard for us to comprehend right now. After spending all day yesterday with you before I left Witt I thought to myself, how will I ever make it these three months of summer without you by my side. You're one of the nicest and caring people I've ever met and I'm so glad I got to become close to you. You have no idea the impact you make on people as you light up their lives with love and your friendship.'
'Chase always had a smile on his face and could make anyone laugh. over the years, i only have great memories, and anyone who was fortunate enough to know what a wonderful person chase was knows that he will be missed greatly.'
'Although I only knew Chase for a brief month or so, it was a month full of life. He was the brightest, most outgoing, happiest person. He always saw the bright side of life and helped people get through their rough times. Chase will thoroughly be missed by many.'
'Chase Gage was a man of unbelievable spirit, youth and happiness. He introduced me to so many people, welcomed me into his home before knowing me and showed me the way Wittenberg University operates from the first day I met him. I created a friendship, a brotherhood with him that is unbreakable by any means. We shared so many beautiful and enriching moments together. Chase is one of my best friends and there is a pit in my heart that could never and will never be filled. I know as selfish as it may be of me to want him back, God had a bigger plan for his beautiful soul and I know he is smiling down on me.'
'His candle burned too brightly
To last throughout the night.
But through those glorious 19 years
It gave a splendid light.'
I stand before you in order to attempt to show you how the world felt about this incredible young man. These true words from his friends and family prove that Chase made an impact in his 19 years on this world that most of us could only pray to achieve.
In addition to these statements made by Chase’s friends and family, who better to remind us of the real Chase Gage than Chase himself. Preserved safely on the internet, and shared recently by one of his close friends, is a list of 100 questions answered by the man himself. Allow me to share a few of his answers that best remind us of him.
What is your real name?
Charles Quincey Gage IV
Would you ever change it?
Do you have any tattoos?
On the bottom of my left heel there is a unicorn tattoo.
What are you listening to right now?
I can hear christmas music coming from Selby's room.
When was the last time you saw your Mother?
23 seconds ago...give or take.
Do you believe in yourself?
"You are the pilot of your own life."
Do you believe in Heaven?
If the tooth fairy is real...anything can be.
Right now it is easy to be angry at what happened. It is easy to be upset at the world and question why we have been presented with this unbelievable tragedy. But Chase was not an angry person. He loved life and he loved to smile. If there’s anything we can learn from Chase’s passing it is that our time here is short, and we deserve to make the most of it. Chase lived his life in such a way that all we can do is look back and smile at all that he was able to accomplish. If Chase could speak with us right now, he would first tell us to put on some flashier clothing and stop crying so much. Then he would want to make sure that none of us lost the incredible qualities that he selflessly passed on to us. His smile could change your entire day. His laugh invited you to join in on his fun. His hugs made you feel warm and safe.
Gage Family, you will never forget your son, your brother, your grandson, your nephew, your cousin, or your friend. And he will never forget you. But on Chase’s behalf I beg you not to lose what makes your family so incredible. Your passion and enthusiasm towards life is not something that should ever leave your heart. Chase would not want you to stop cooking meals together every night or make trips to Indian Lake together. He would not want you to stop loving and caring for one another. And he certainly would not want you to stop smiling.
We will remember Chase for being the sunlight on our cloudy days and our music in a quiet space. No one will ever replace you Chase, but we owe it to the world to be a whole lot like you. To chase our passions, to chase our joy, quite simply, to chase life.
Rest in peace... we will all continue to hold you in our hearts."
Unfortunately, his time on earth was cut short because of a terrible car accident last May. A day that I will never forget and will stay with me for the rest of my life. Chase was an exceptional human being that impacted every singly person around him in ways that astounds me to this very day! He is and will forever be my best friend! My goal is to honor him properly by constructing a memorial garden outside of our fraternity house for all to cherish all the great memories he shared with everyone he came into contact with. Chase was the type of person to drop everything and help others, that was one of his many characteristics that will remain with me forever! He taught me so many things about life and what it meant to be an exceptional friend, brother, and human being, something I want to share with the world!
He always was smiling and his presence never went unnoticed. It has been my goal since his passing to orchestrate the best way possible to ensure his legacy will continue to be apart of everyone’s lives even after his early departure from this world. His presence still remains with me in my everyday life, and I know his presence and loving attitude remains prominent in hundreds if not thousands of lives that he has touched throughout his time. As a close friend and brother to Chase, I have taken it upon myself to ensure his legacy lives on and continues to impact the lives of people who had the honor and pleasure of knowing Chase and those who unfortunately did not get that pleasure.
My goal is to raise $10,000 to erect a proper memorial in his honor because I know if the tables had turned he would be doing the same for me and any one else who would have been placed in this tragic accident. I know my goal is attainable and have already received so much love and support to pursue my dream of honoring a man who made it his life's mission to make an impact on others in ways that are truly incredible. All the funds attained after our goal is reached will be donated to his memorial scholarship here at Wittenberg University.
This is just my story, and there are hundreds more just like it out there waiting to be heard! Chase impacted so many lives in such an overwhelming way, that I want to make absolute sure that his presence is never forgotten! Chase had an unspoken motto that he encompassed in his everyday life that has become even more prominent in so many lives today, this being, "Smile first, and Ask Questions Later." This mentality of his will be forever immortalized not only in the Wittenberg Community, but with whomever knew Chase. He was a young entrepreneur that owned his own lawn care business at the age of 16, and had so much to offer the world in his time to come. He was always and forever a friend first, something that is extremely rare to come by in this day and age.
A dear friend to Chase and his family, Oliver Roach, gave one of the most inspiring and accurate descriptions of the type of person Chase was in his eulogy and is something that I will never forget! His eulogy will be attached below for all to share and cherish, and for anyone who didn't have the pleasure of knowing Chase personally will be able to get a better understanding of who Chase was and still remains in our hearts today.
I am not asking for everyone to make huge donations, because it is all the small and sincere donations that add up. I want to sincerely thank all of you who donate to this wonderful cause and can not express in words my full gratitude to all of you how important it is to myself, our brothers, and all of the people Chase Gage greatly impacted throughout his life! This has been my dream to be able to honor my dear friend in a way that will continue to exist forever here at Wittenberg University.
I have been asked what exactly does it mean to Chase Life, and there is no single answer that best defines this. But, I can however tell you it is the little things in life that truly allow one to demonstrate these very same characteristics that Chase exemplified in his every day life that truly bring an understanding to what Chasing Life is all about. It is about Chasing your passions, your hopes and dreams, and most importantly Chasing Life. You are the master of your own fate, and the captain of your own soul, something I believe Chase did so extravagantly on an everyday basis. He has left so many with an everlasting impression of what truly defines one as a good human being. There will never be another Chase Gage to walk the face of the earth unfortunately, but, we owe it to the world to be the best we all can be, to carry on his mentality and loving way of life so that others may have the pleasure of enjoying the same characteristics of life Chase so greatly exemplified. No one will ever be able to replace Chase, but we owe it to the world to be just like you! To restore faith in mankind that there are still people out there with an enormous, kind, and generous heart like his!
He is still a vital root that helps strengthen his family everyday. The Gage family was like one I have never encountered before, so open, loving, passionate, and driven group of individuals who thrived individually, but together are unstoppable! This strong presence of family is still very noticeable in the Gage's and helps encourage me to continue to my mission to immortalize Chase Gage as a brother, a son, a best friend, and most importantly a genuine human being! He was one to accept everyone for who they were, no matter what background they came from, give each and every individual he came in contact with 110% of his attention and devotion, and to leave them always on a positive note. Chase was always the go to friend to pick you up, dust you off, and get you back on your feet when you needed it the most, and encourage you even more when you were standing on your own two feet! That is the very person Chase Gage was.
This is everlasting memory of Chase that will reside in me until it is my time to depart this earth, and it is my goal to pass his story and passion on to others. One vital linkage I have recently come upon, in regards to Chase, can be seen through Wittenberg's very own motto, "Having Light, We Pass it on to Others!" Chase has this light, the light of hope, love, passion, determination, and so many other qualities that he has passed on to others throughout his life! Now, it is my goal to do the same in order to honor Chase for the person he was and will forever continue to be in all of our hearts. It is our responsibility to pass his light on to others, so that all can cherish his loving memory and leave a positive impact on this world. Chase may not be physically with us anymore, but his personality, love, and passion will remain in all of us for an eternity, and by raising money in order to build him a proper memorial in his honor is our way in making sure his light is passed on to others! Thank you all for your love and support! Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to chase my passions and dreams, just like Chase had done so many times before, and please pass on his eternal light so that all may enjoy his everlasting presence!
With Tremendous Love,
Christian "Kip" Olson
Wittenberg Class of 2017
Yesterday afternoon we laid to rest a spectacular individual whose life was ended much too soon. I was asked to speak on behalf of the Gage Family in order to honor Chase and tell the story of his incredible 19 years on this Earth. As expected, it was very difficult to summarize Chase's life in a single speech. After spending the entire week with his friends and family, this speech basically wrote itself. He had so many people in his life that loved and cared for him and every one of them came together to share their beautiful memories of Chase. Below is the transcript that was read at Chase's funeral on Sunday, May 17th, 2015. These are words that deserve to be shared and read over and over again in order to memorialize Chase's inspiring existence. Rest in peace Chase. You will be missed.
"I was welcomed into the Gage family 3 years ago, today, on May 17th, 2012 when Selby and I officially started our relationship. As with any family, you expect some resistance when you first start dating their one and only daughter. But, as you all know, the Gage’s are not your typical family. The Gage’s have a policy of what I call 'smile first, and ask questions later.' The Chief Operating Officer of this philosophy was Chase Gage.
You see, when you have a life like Chase’s, it becomes difficult not to smile on a regular basis. He had what every working adult could dream of, except he had it by the age of 19. Business owner, homeowner, academic scholar, college athlete, and of course, heartthrob. The success he was able to achieve at such a young age came as no surprise to anyone who got to know him. His work ethic was something that could not be described, but was easily observed as you drove up and down the streets of Grandview. No matter what time of the day it was, there was Chase with his shirt off sitting atop his riding mower. If the sun was shining, or even if it was not, Chase was smiling, almost an unusually big smile for someone covered in dirt. But that was Chase, the only kid I have ever met that would choose mulching over watching television, playing video games, or pretty much anything else. This “smile while you work” philosophy was so infectious that Chase’s lawn care business grew exponentially year after year. Chase’s clientele always received his best work because he knew no other way to do his job.
When Chase was off the clock, and wearing a shirt, he always knew how to have a good time. Of course, it was easy to conclude how bright and colorful his personality was if you simply walked into his closet. And yes, this 19 year old had a walk in closet. From his impressive shoe collection to his assortment of pants and shirts, everything was color coordinated and in precise order. Chase was organized because he had to be. Not many people could balance an exceptional work ethic with a booming social life like his. Everyone wanted a piece of Chase in hopes that his passion, happiness and success would rub off on them. And it did. He had a way of including all of those around him and at the same time showing them how to truly enjoy themselves. He loved and cared for so many people and they cared for him right back.
At the heart of his ability to love was his special family. Chase was lucky enough to be born into one of the closest and most loving families on Earth. From his grandparents, to his aunts and uncles, to his many cousins, Chase had a network of family members that he considered best friends. I challenge you to find a family tree with stronger branches than the Gage’s. At the core of this family are Chase’s incredible parents, Quint and Laura, along with his beautiful sister, Selby. I can tell you from experience in their household that not a day went by where Chase did not feel loved and supported. There was no one that believed in him more than his core family members. They constantly pushed him to achieve what they knew he was destined to accomplish in the first place. Chase didn’t need someone to tell him he could do whatever he wanted to and still be successful, but they told him anyway. Day after day I watched Chase wake up to a homemade breakfast as he chatted with his parents and sister about what he had planned that day. He would talk about how many lawns he needed to mow that morning, what new piece of technology he was going to invest in next, and where their family should travel to at the next possible opportunity. They would laugh and smile as an automatic response to their joyful existence together. He would give them all a hug, tell them he loved them, and head out for the day. When he returned from those long days of work, his family would be sitting in the living room together. Mom reading a new book, Dad enjoying a glass of wine, and Selby focused on the Food Network. They always knew when he returned home because his sound system would boom all the way down the driveway as the dogs barked excitedly, announcing his return. When he stepped inside and promptly pet the dogs, he picked up with his family right where they left off in conversation that morning. These simple rituals were looped all Summer long and it was so genuinely blissful that there was no reason for it to change.
Even with all this love and support he was receiving, what was most important to Chase was giving back to his family. When Chase was 13 years old he began writing his own autobiography, which he assured his family members would be worth a lot of money some day. When he was asked what he would do with all that money he made from his world famous autobiography, he said he would buy a cottage in Italy for his father, a bookstore for his mother, and a Panera for his sister. This giving mentality translated into the friendships he made with people outside of his family as well. And thanks to the type of person Chase was, he was able to make friends wherever he had the opportunity. I have compiled a list of statements made from Chase’s friends after his passing, and I would like to share them with you now. The following quotes can give you a better idea of what type of person Chase was because these are not exaggerations, but true feelings towards a kind soul.
'There will be moments in the short term and perhaps in the long term when I'll be reminded of Chase's early departure. In the short term, I will naturally mourn the loss of a dear friend and brother. However, as I press on and move forward, I will strive to emulate one of Chase's strongest qualities (although there were many). Whether it's walking into work on a Monday morning with a smile on, reaching out to someone in need, telling a friend or family member how much I appreciate them, or just simply paying it forward, I will attempt to reflect and act in memory of a fantastic individual. I feel as though Chase would want nothing more than to see his friends embrace this outlook. I encourage and challenge all of those affected by this loss to consider this perspective in honor of Chase.'
'His smile was so big it could light up a room, his eyes vibrant with energy yet, very comforting almost like you've known him your whole life. He was full of life no matter what he did. His hard work and ability to focus on the "now" was incredible. He was special... he had a warm, loving heart that his mother instilled in him and the dedication/self-motivation to do anything.'
'Courageous, funny, loyal, creative, positive, adventurous, entrepreneur, best friend, brother, these are only a few of many words I can use to describe you. But no words can express how much I'm going to miss you.'
'You will always be remembered for your beaming personality and your genuineness. You truly are one of the kindest and funniest people I have ever met. You are loved by so many, and will be forever remembered.'
'Chase was one of the most amiable and dedicated people I've ever had the pleasure to compete alongside. His excitement and joviality were infectious, inspiring, and remain unparalleled.'
'Not another soul, or body, will be able to ever replace your kindness, wisdom, humor, and so much more. I thank you for letting me love more than I ever knew I could. I also thank you for sharing your wonderful talent and knowledge with me. More importantly, thank you for being my role model. I wouldn't have learned how to mow the grass, or how to correctly pick weeds, or even distinguish the cars that would drive by without you. Without your presence, I'm not sure I would have lived correctly. Chase, you've been a tremendous friend over the past 4+ years, and I couldn't thank you enough for allowing me to share such fantastic times with you. Whether that be going to Bubba and Pappas lake, or Spring break trips to Florida, or cookouts and concerts with the family, or our weekly shopping trips, or enjoyable runs that I forced you to join me on...I thank you for all those special times.'
'My entire life, I have never met anyone as genuine, kind, funny, and outgoing as you, Chase. You always know what to say when I need to hear it.'
'I keep thinking your name will pop up on my phone any second or you run up to my door and hug me, this is all very hard for us to comprehend right now. After spending all day yesterday with you before I left Witt I thought to myself, how will I ever make it these three months of summer without you by my side. You're one of the nicest and caring people I've ever met and I'm so glad I got to become close to you. You have no idea the impact you make on people as you light up their lives with love and your friendship.'
'Chase always had a smile on his face and could make anyone laugh. over the years, i only have great memories, and anyone who was fortunate enough to know what a wonderful person chase was knows that he will be missed greatly.'
'Although I only knew Chase for a brief month or so, it was a month full of life. He was the brightest, most outgoing, happiest person. He always saw the bright side of life and helped people get through their rough times. Chase will thoroughly be missed by many.'
'Chase Gage was a man of unbelievable spirit, youth and happiness. He introduced me to so many people, welcomed me into his home before knowing me and showed me the way Wittenberg University operates from the first day I met him. I created a friendship, a brotherhood with him that is unbreakable by any means. We shared so many beautiful and enriching moments together. Chase is one of my best friends and there is a pit in my heart that could never and will never be filled. I know as selfish as it may be of me to want him back, God had a bigger plan for his beautiful soul and I know he is smiling down on me.'
'His candle burned too brightly
To last throughout the night.
But through those glorious 19 years
It gave a splendid light.'
I stand before you in order to attempt to show you how the world felt about this incredible young man. These true words from his friends and family prove that Chase made an impact in his 19 years on this world that most of us could only pray to achieve.
In addition to these statements made by Chase’s friends and family, who better to remind us of the real Chase Gage than Chase himself. Preserved safely on the internet, and shared recently by one of his close friends, is a list of 100 questions answered by the man himself. Allow me to share a few of his answers that best remind us of him.
What is your real name?
Charles Quincey Gage IV
Would you ever change it?
Do you have any tattoos?
On the bottom of my left heel there is a unicorn tattoo.
What are you listening to right now?
I can hear christmas music coming from Selby's room.
When was the last time you saw your Mother?
23 seconds ago...give or take.
Do you believe in yourself?
"You are the pilot of your own life."
Do you believe in Heaven?
If the tooth fairy is real...anything can be.
Right now it is easy to be angry at what happened. It is easy to be upset at the world and question why we have been presented with this unbelievable tragedy. But Chase was not an angry person. He loved life and he loved to smile. If there’s anything we can learn from Chase’s passing it is that our time here is short, and we deserve to make the most of it. Chase lived his life in such a way that all we can do is look back and smile at all that he was able to accomplish. If Chase could speak with us right now, he would first tell us to put on some flashier clothing and stop crying so much. Then he would want to make sure that none of us lost the incredible qualities that he selflessly passed on to us. His smile could change your entire day. His laugh invited you to join in on his fun. His hugs made you feel warm and safe.
Gage Family, you will never forget your son, your brother, your grandson, your nephew, your cousin, or your friend. And he will never forget you. But on Chase’s behalf I beg you not to lose what makes your family so incredible. Your passion and enthusiasm towards life is not something that should ever leave your heart. Chase would not want you to stop cooking meals together every night or make trips to Indian Lake together. He would not want you to stop loving and caring for one another. And he certainly would not want you to stop smiling.
We will remember Chase for being the sunlight on our cloudy days and our music in a quiet space. No one will ever replace you Chase, but we owe it to the world to be a whole lot like you. To chase our passions, to chase our joy, quite simply, to chase life.
Rest in peace... we will all continue to hold you in our hearts."
Organizer and beneficiary
Kip Olson
Canfield, OH
Jon Ellerbrock