Building Houses in Guatemala
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Last summer we went to Antigua, Guatemala with our high school in order to work in conjunction with an organization called Houses to Homes. Houses to Homes' goal is to build houses for families who are unable to afford to sustain themselves. The organization not only builds each family's home in a week, but provides free education and medical assistance. As volunteers, we were able to connect with each family in a way so strong that the language barrier seemed non-existent. Not only was it an honor and privilege to work hand-in-hand with such an amazing organization, we were able to find a second home in the heart of Guatemala. Since we were so deeply impacted by this experience, we have decided to go back in August on our own. We are so excited to travel to Antigua again to work with our friends from Houses to Homes -- not only to immerse ourselves with the incredible culture, but also to help the families in need. These families are extremely impoverished, living without essentials such as electricity, medical supplies, clothes, or ample amounts of food. With these donations, we would able to provide these necessities. 

Jack Snyder
Montclair, NJ
From Houses to Homes-Guatemala