Fighting Cancer
I will be taking part in the Iron Man 5k night run and all donations will go to cancer research UK. I decided to take part in this run for my little nephew Muhammad Eesa Ibrahim who's currently being treated with chemotherapy.
January 2023 we found out he had a brain tumour that was cancerous and also had fluid in his brain which had to be treated and removed, which was also very successful alhamdulillah. He has successfully finished the radiology course and is now on his chemotherapy.
He has been so strong throughout this whole process and with the will of Allah he will be back fit and strong and back to his routine of being a lovely happy full of energy loving child again. Inshallah.
He's my baby lion and an absolute fighter.
A big massive thank you to all the nurses and doctors cancer research, royal Manchester children's hospital christies for helping and treating Eesa we can't thank you enough. So every penny counts with your donations as it's all going to a good cause.
I will be running on Friday 30th June at 6pm. In town hall Bolton town center come down and show your support. Let smash this ♂️
Thank you
Abbas Ibrahim
Cancer Research UK