Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Help with funeral expenses

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My dad, Lewis Abbott, passed away after a long and exhausting illness. The life insurance policy that I had recently obtained for dad has not been active long enough for my siblings and I to have any benefit to help us bury daddy. Daddy left instructions of what he wanted and there is nothing that is outrageous. Daddy purchased his burial plot many years ago when his oldest son was born and died back in 1972. I kept the amount low and any amount gifted will be a blessing to me and my siblings. Daddy had 5 biological children and 2 bonus children from his third marriage as well as 19 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren and one bonus child. Anything will help and again from all of us to everyone, Thank you and help us to celebrate our Daddy. He was a character and will be greatly missed by family, and friends. Also please keep his brother, Nelson, and many nieces and nephews in your prayers as well.


Cyndi Abbott
Roanoke, VA

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