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Lucy Moody and the Fontan

Spende geschützt
Tuesday March 15th 2016 at 9AM, Lucy Moody will be going in for her third open heart surgery. She will be getting the Fontan. The Fontan is the 3rd stage surgery for children who are born with a hypoplastic right heart. (Half a heart) The surgical team is expecting a long recovery with a prolonged stay in CHLA.
Larry and Rebbecca will both be by Lucy's side throughout her stay. There will be a loss of income during this duration and I'm asking everyone to please help with what you can. We will keep this site updated with Lucy's progress throughout her recovery.


  • Stacy Molette
    • $50
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Leslie Moody
Templeton, CA
Rebbecca Moody

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