Zimbabwean Citizens Legal and Medical Costs
To our valued donors - as you may be aware of a dark cloud has been and continues to be over Zimbabwe the beloved nation. From 14 January 2019 to date we have learnt about hundreds who have been tortured beyond belief and sadly some have died, while others have been put in prison for undisclosed crimes. Reports of this continue to come in . There are some legal and medical costs that will be incurred by these individuals and we wish to support them and are appealing for you to help us with this .
Moneys donated will be channelled to individuals through the Nelson Chamisa Foundation.
On 30 July 2018, Zimbabweans turned up in unprecedented numbers to exercise their right to vote in a resounding, and unequivocal cry for change. Official observers deemed the election free, but not fair and not credible.
Against overwhelming public opinion amongstZimbabweas at home and abroad; the judgement handed by the Zimbabwe Constitutional Court went against the Nelson Chamisa. Worse still, it carried a punitive condition requiring Nelson Chamisa to foot the legal costs of everyone involved. The funds required are needed as soon as possible.
These donations are being managed by Yvonne Mahlunge Gwashavanhu who is a human rights activist and solicitor (registered by SRA and Law Society of Zimbabwe). Yvonne's background includes beingone of the founding members of Zimbabwe Human Rights Lawyers and the MDC party before migrating to the UK. Yvonne has represented the Nelson Chamisa trust here in the UK in her role as MDC UK representative. The funds raised on this platform will be withdrawn into Yvonne's account and transfered to Zimbabwe via bank transfer and Western Union directly to the Nelson Chamisa Trust Fund who are managing payment of the legal fees incurred in pursuit of a just outcome for the Zimbabwe July 2018 elections. The Nelson Chamisa Trust fund contact is Charlton Hwende whom Yvonne will Liase with to send the money to Zimbabwe. The funds will be used towards payment of the costs applied by the courts against Nelson Chamisa in relation to the Consituional Court Hearing on the rigged July 2018 elections.
Thank you all for your generous donations to date the road may be long but together victory is
certain. Please do take time to listen to the video attached from Dr Nkululeko Sibanda on behalf
of Nelson Chamisa.
Lets continue to give generously, to fight this cynical ploy to silence a critical voice defending human rights, democracy and change in Zimbabwe.
UK & Worldwide:
Please make a donation by debit/credit card on this page
Let’s stand together with those directly affected Every little helps
Thank you very much for your support and for sharing our campaign.