Zoey Frandsen Memorial Fund
Tax deductible
Zoey 'Plinko' 'Cube' 'Gayme_Cube' 'ZoBert' Frandsen was a transgender woman who died suddenly at the age of 32. She leaves behind many partners, metamours, and friends who loved her. Though she was not honored as she should have been at her funeral (due to her biological family having control) we want to make sure she is remembered as the woman she truly was . In her honor, we'd like to raise money for the clinic in Ohio that enabled her to transition so that they can help even more LGBTQ+ people in the future.
Donations go directly to the charity via GoFundMe.
More information about Equitas Health, Inc.: Our mission is to be the gateway to good health for those at risk of or affected by HIV/AIDS, for the LGBTQ community, and for those seeking a welcoming healthcare home.
Donations go directly to the charity via GoFundMe.
More information about Equitas Health, Inc.: Our mission is to be the gateway to good health for those at risk of or affected by HIV/AIDS, for the LGBTQ community, and for those seeking a welcoming healthcare home.
Fundraising team: Team ZoBert (3)
Terra Field
San Francisco, CA
Equitas Health, Inc.
Erika Hoffman
Team member
Morgan Schryver
Team member