Where do you even start when trying to describe a person like Jessica. Growing up Jessica was always mother hen... she was the one you always went to with a problem , she was the one who was always there for you. I can speak first hand on how she has been there every single time I’ve needed her for over 30 years and I know every single person who knows her would say the same. If anyone was meant to be a mom it was her. She was blessed with her son Dominic , and although being a single mom comes with hardships, she makes it look easy and gives that little boy the best life where he wants for nothing. After all, she learned from the best-
her Mom Debbie, who we lost 5 years ago
after battling ovarian cancer . Jessica cared
for her sick mother while pregnant, and after
losing her she became an active advocate for
her moms illness . The reason I share all this is because now it is our turn to help her... the
person who has never asked a single thing
from anyone .
After a CT Scan to check on kidney stones , a fluke image captured a picture of her lungs where a mass was seen. No way the doctors thought. This could not be. She was young and healthy and experiencing ZERO symptoms. A series of tests and a biopsy would ultimately determine that this mass was in-fact malignant. A carcinoid tumor to be exact. In true Jessica fashion she sprung into action and acted swiftly and scheduled the surgery for a week later. Jessica underwent surgery to remove the mass along with the lower lobe of her left lung. Thank god the surgery went well.
Now we all know she was very lucky , and we all know what if this had not been detected. Butit was and for that we are grateful. Jessica is always advocating for this disease, and always sharing her moms story. And I’m sure she will do the same for this.
Jessica now faces a long road of recovery. And I guarantee she would never ever ask for a single thing. But she is always the first to lend a hand... and we need to do that for her. I’m asking all of the people who know and love her to help donate and lessen the burden. She deserves to recover and focus solely on that without any additional stress. If you can’t donate please share her story or say a little prayer for her.
Jessica we love you and will always support you. A BIG F U TO CANCER!