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Caring for Karen

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Our loved one, Karen Kirk, is in the hospital. We have been told she is terminal and will not get better. The doctors told us she doesn’t have long. It is so hard for all of us to accept, as we are in the process of saying goodbye to her. She has cancer. It is moving fast, and she wasn't a candidate for treatment when they found it.

We’re raising funds to help cover the cost of end-of-life private care (insurance isn’t helping much and she needs 24/7 assistance as of now) and upcoming costs related to her end-of-life transition.

She had a major stroke 5 years ago, and recovered well from that. She had another one 3 weeks ago, and that is when they found cancer. Her boyfriend, Fred Dove, and sister, Toni Lawson, are doing everything we can to take care of her and make her comfortable.

Please understand that if you reach out and haven't gotten a response right away, it is because we are trying to embrace every moment we have left with her.

If you would like to visit Karen, please reach out to Fred or Toni and we will help make it happen.

Please keep Karen and our family in your prayers. Your support and love is more appreciated than words can express. Thank you.


  • Dana Sullivan
    • $20
    • 1 d
  • Barb Beylor
    • $100
    • 2 d
  • Patricia Steele
    • $50
    • 2 d
  • kim kuranda
    • $50
    • 3 d
  • Denise Hicks
    • $50
    • 4 d


Jennifer Kirk
Carmel, VA

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