Food Bank needs Air Conditioning
Joseph’s Storehouse needs Air Conditioning for its expanded warehouse.
In America 40% of our food supply goes to waste.
Joseph’s Storehouse seeks to remedy this and help our neighbors to alleviate their own food scarcity. Joseph's Storehouse is a non-profit food bank and co-op established in South Florida to supply food pantries and, as well, low-income single parents, individuals and families. The Storehouse has also donated over 37,000 pounds of food (over 18 tons!) in June alone to area food pantries, churches, and soup kitchens that do not have adequate resources or limited funding for their own food supplies. To date in 2015, we have been able to give away 84 tons of good, healthy food. Joseph’s Storehouse is able to support limited hours of operations from a minimum admin fee we collect, as well as, from small donations from our supporters.
Our first space was originally 1,800 sq. ft., out-growing it in about 8 months. The present warehouse where our families, individuals, and feeding programs shop in has, now, doubled to about 3,600 sq. ft. In order to cool the larger facility for both the food and our shoppers, Joseph’s Storehouse requires the purchase and installation of least 2 four-ton condensers and air handlers. We currently have a used 4 ton condenser that was donated and we bought the matching air handler. Though thankful for this unit, it is insufficient to cool our current space here in Southern Florida. The cost of the new units is $9800. Along with some current support on hand, we are seeking the remaining $7,900 to complete the project. Prayerfully and joyfully please consider giving to support our community efforts. And, if you are in the area, come see us if you haven't already!
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