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Turkana, Kenya Vision Trip

Doação protegida
For the Lord gave us this command when he said, 'I have made you a light to the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the farthest corners of the earth.' Acts 13:47

Hi, my name is Susan Carrico and I am fundraising for a Vision trip to Turkana, Kenya with World Relief. A vision trip is a trip of discovery, inquiry, learning, and gathering information toward churchwide, international visioneering. We hope to hear stories of life transformation, see projects in action, and potentially discover other areas of partnership. Our emphasis areas are the super goat project, livestock help and drought program that Cornerstone Church has supported. The dates of the Vision trip are June 16-24, 2023. World Relief has offered us this great opportunity and we only have a short time frame to raise funds. There are five of us that will be going. The cost of the trip will be approximately $3500-4000 per person. I am raising funds for our whole team, not just myself. You may donate either through Go Fund Me or directly to me via check, Venmo or PayPal. Thank you for supporting us.

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Susan Carrico
Grove City, MN

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