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Zyon's Top Surgery Fund

Spende geschützt
Hi, my name is Zyon (He/Him). I am a graphic designer/digital artist. I enjoy making music, listening to music, designing clothes, traveling, and exploring the full range of what life has to offer. I am vegan, if you couldn’t tell by all the green. I own an apparel brand called RUUM Apparel & Design and I do freelance design, photography, and videography. I’m really a modern-day renaissance man.
I love animals, video games, and global fashion.
For a long time I have wanted to have Top Surgery. Before I even understood my identity, this is something that I felt would help me move about the world in a way that was seamless and without constant discomfort. All funds raised through this GoFundMe will go towards my surgery costs, medications, after care needs, and my expenses while I recover. Any amount of donation is helpful as I have recently taken the entrepreneurial leap of working for myself. Also if you would like to support my freelance business and you need design work done feel free to check out my work and request a quote.
Mention GoFundMe for a $10 Discount on quoted prices.
March 9th, 2022
More info about my transition:
Feel free to subscribe to my Patreon for more updates on my transition & more.

Spendenteam (2)

Zyon Aijon
Manteo, NC
D’Aun Aijon
Team member

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