DCI's Blindness Prevention Program
Tax deductible
Hi! My name is Claudia Jankovich, and I am a youth leader/volunteer with Distressed Children and Infants International. I created this gofund me to raise awareness about the global issues they aim to impact, as well as share my story in the hope that you will be inspired to donate to help this incredible nonprofit continue their programs.
DCI is a nonprofit organization with the mission to help underprivileged children and their families in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Nicaragua. This nonprofit supports these communities in many different ways, including receiving access to education, healthcare, and other amazing opportunities.
My connection to this organization is through my ophthalmologist of almost 19 years, Doctor Brian DeBroff, as seen beside me in the picture. Dr. DeBroff is the President of this nonprofit and after hearing my passion to make a difference, he connected me with the Executive Director, Dr. Ehsan Hoque, and encouraged me to become a volunteer. Since doing this, not only have I learned more about their mission, but I have become extremely passionate about it, making it a goal for myself to raise awareness by sharing my story so others can see how crucial their work is.
My story starts at six weeks old when I was diagnosed with a unilateral congenital cataract in my left eye, a rare diagnosis for a newborn. Just two weeks later, I went into surgery with Dr. DeBroff where he was able to successfully remove the cataract and replace it with a lens implant, also called an intraocular lens. I have battled vision challenges throughout my childhood, having a lazy eye, enduring patching therapy, having no depth perception, experiencing monocular vision, and being monitored for numerous eye conditions I am at risk for, all at a young age.
At 16, once my eye was fully developed, Dr. DeBroff offered me the opportunity to further improve my vision by replacing the original implant, with a larger and newer one that would better fit my eye, and could offer me improved vision. After enduring this surgery and recovering with better vision, not only did my quality of life improve, but so did my appreciation for having the vision I do.
My disability might always challenge me, and I may not know what the future will hold, but today I am able to read 20/50 without correction in my left eye, and 20/20 with correction which is a miracle that allows me to live a happy and independent life. If it wasn’t for my parent’s health insurance and the original surgery Dr. DeBroff performed, I would be blind in my left eye today.
With the Blindness Prevention program DCI offers, they aim to make vision care accessible to all, educate individuals about eye health, and be able to provide crucial eye treatments to those in need including cataract surgery. Below is the link to DCI’s website where you can find more information about the Blindness Prevention program among many other programs and global issues they aim to impact.
I hope after learning more about DCI, and hearing my story, you will be inspired to support me to reach my goal to help this incredible organization. With your help, we will be able to give others who are not as fortunate, access to the medical care I once needed. All donations go directly to the nonprofit! Thank you in advance for everyone’s love and support!
With love,
Claudia Jankovich
DCI Website: https://distressedchildren.org/
Blindness Prevention Program: https://distressedchildren.org/gift-category-vision/
Claudia Jankovich
Berlin, CT
Distressed Children International (DCI) Inc.