Ferris Fight for Healing
Donation protected

NEWS UPDATE: As of Friday, December 14th, Shannon and her family's story were featured on the front page of the Stu News Newport paper as they have been sponsored by the Newport Beach Firefighter's Association, Local 3734 as their Santa Family 2018; you can view the piece by clicking on this link: http://www.stunewsnewport.com/
The Newport Beach Fire Association NBFA has selected Shannon for their Annual Santa Family Program! Joe Harrison is the contract. The goal is to raise money and awareness for Shannon to finally receive the full care and medicine she needs now and moving forward to recover. After (13) months on their own fighting Metastatic Breast Cancer with full brain radiation, chemo, and low spinal radiation and treatments outside their medical coverage plan; with renewed support a personalized pathway to win the fight is within reach!!
You can donate through this gofundme account OR you can also:
1. Go directly to NBFA.org and click on the link to Shannon Ferris and click below the picture where it says "Newport Beach Firefighter's Association, Local 3734.
2. Go to any NBFA Fire Station this weekend or during the Month of December to give a check in any amount up to $15,000.00 to the Fire Santa Program, or Shannon Ferris.
3. Bring your children to any Newport Beach Fire Station with gift cards $50 - $100 to any of these places: Target, Sprouts, Mothers's, Costco, Amazon, Trader Joes, Chevron and LIV IV Hydration Therapy located at 188 E/ 17th Street, Costa Mesa, CA. 92603. This can be a fun visit for the kids!! These donations provide a path for Shannon to get the treatment and resources needs.
We can make a difference right now!! We can get Shannon the treatment for her cure and healing!!! Please Donate!
Shannon, Matthew, Ryder and William would like to say to all those that have made a contribution, THANK YOU!!!
More family history and contact information available below:
Friends for a lifetime, Karyn Clark & Tamara Dulansky are working as a team alongside our dear friend Shannon Carpenter-Ferris, and her loving family, to raise funds to support her continued recovery from metastatic breast cancer as well as to provide resources to others fighting similar battles. Not all hospital standard methods of care are safe or effective, and knowledge is power thus we all hope the information in Shannon's video includes some life-saving alternative approaches that can be useful to others. Shannon is true a warrior and has made fantastic progress on the road to healing. She has tremendous gifts to share with the world and we know this will be a long journey; one of many videos she will produce to help others recover and maintain good health.
In order to view Shannon's Vimeo video(s) copy the links below and open in browser or view the latest posted video clip below:
Shannon and her family have been working through the standard care and special treatments for (13) months without help. We want to help her continue to move mountains to fight cancer so she will have the opportunity to raise her family, teach others how to heal themselves, and be a catalyst for good in this world. At present, the out of pocket cost for alternative treatments and supplements is $6,000 per month.
You are invited to contribute any gift amount you feel appropriate; that can be $1.00 , and up to $15,000.00. If you want to contact Shannon directly to give a more personal gift such as an email letter, gift card or other care package those are also more than a welcome blessing. Her email address is: [email redacted]. If you want to drop something off to the Ferris Family at their residence you may contact Shannon at (949) [phone redacted] as they have moved to Irvine.
You may know Shannon and her family from their involvement in William and Ryder's schools, soccer, flag football, fundraising for charitable causes, through her training and wellness hub business, as a neighbor or family friend. It takes a village to really create positive and long lasting change so lets do this together! Your love and support are so very meaningful to Shannon and her family!!! You can also find healing scripture that Shannon has personally selected to share so she can provide strength and guidance to others in need; these were sent out via email back in August 2018.
Co-organizers (2)
Karyn Clark
Irvine, CA
Leighton Cromwell
Team member