Cody's funeral
Cody is my heart first and foremost. He is a beautiful wonderful little boy with more medical problems than anyone ever should have to face. He has down syndrome autism congenitial heart disease severe scoliosis. He also is in heart failure and renal failure. We are fight everyday to make sure he has the best life possible. We dont know how long we have him . To look at him yes you see down syndrome but you dont see all the scars from all the surgeries hes had . You dont see the fear in our eyes when somebody comes in our house with a cold or germs. You dont see the fear when we go to all the Drs .. We have so much going on. We both work and we are doing all we can to take care of Cody but funeral arrangements for your child is the last thing any parent wants to do . We are trying to make sure that is one burden we dont have to bear.. If you feel more comfortable sending the money straight to the funeral home thats fine too . Its Evans funeral home1070 Taylorsville Rd SE, Lenoir, NC 28645
Please help if you can and pray and share if you cant . Thank you so much