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De la inima la inima. Sergiu Obada

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Buna ziua si salut tuturor prietenilor,colegilor si pur si simplu celor cu inima mare. Initiez aceasta colectare de fonduri sau mai bine spus act de binefacere pentru un vechi prieten, consatean de al meu - Sergiu Obada. Cu 5 ani in urma el a suferit un accident de masina  ,  iar consecintele au fost dure: coloana vertebrala fracturata si complicatii la maduva spinarii. Ca rezultat nu mai poate merge si nu isi mai simte picioarele. Timp de 4 ani a stat tintuit la pat in cautarea medicilor,clinicilor care ar putea sa il ajute. Au gasit ceva in strainatate si a mers la o operatie de transplant de celule care e inca in faza experimentala. Din fericire a fost reusita si acum poate un pic sa se sprijine pe picioare. Mai are nevoie de altele doua. Sumele sunt costisitoare pentru mama lui, deoarece nu poate munci pentru ca trebuie mereu sa aiba grija de el. Vizionati link-urile atasate pentru a intelege mai bine situatia Lui.
Rugamintea mea cea mare pentru voi toti este urmatoarea: sa incercam fiecare sa il ajutam cu o donatie sau cel putin cu un share. Sergiu este un luptator si nu a incetat sa creada in visul lui de a merge pe picioare (posibilitate pe care noi cei care o avem nu o pretuim). S-au mobilizat oamenii din sat,copiii din liceu, matusile cu pensiile mizere si au ajutat cu cit au putut (asta l-a ajutat sa mearga la prima operatie).Va rog din inima sa nu fiti indiferenti. Cel putin priviti aceste reportaje si haideti din putinul fiecaruia sa facem un lucru maret si acest baiat, care la 28 de ani isi priveste mama mereu cu  lacrimi in ochi ducindu-i grija,sa poata merge la a doua operatie.
Haideti  ca pina in 10 ianuarie sa fim uniti, sa aratam ca a fi om e ceea ce ne caracterizeaza. Am incredere in voi- oameni de buna credinta. Doamne ajuta si va multumesc anticipat! Il puteti contacta personal la numerele de telefon: +37369382696 mobil
+37325676178 fix

    Hello to  all my friends, colleagues and others. I’m initiating this fundraising or rather a charity act for an old friend of mine - Sergiu Obada. Five years ago he suffered a terrible car accident and the consequences were severe: he fractured the vertebral spine and got major spinal cord complications. As a result, he no longer can walk and feel his legs. He has been bedridden now for over 4 years and in search of doctors, clinics who could help him. They found something abroad and went for a cell transplant surgery, which was still in the experimental phase. Luckily, it was a successful intervention and now he is able to lean a little on his feet. But he still needs 2 more surgeries, which are very costly and his mother is unable to work, because she always has to take care of him. Please browse the links attached to better understand his situation.

     So my big request to all of you is: let’s try together to help him with a donation or at least with a share. Sergiu is a fighter and he never stopped believing in his dream to start walking again (a possibility that we do have, but do not cherish it enough). The villagers, the school children, those aunts with their miserable pensions all have mobilized and helped with little they could (these funds helped him go to the first surgery).


     Please don’t be indifferent. At least look at these reports and let’s everyone help with as little as we can to make a big difference and help  this boy (who at age of 28 has sees his caring mom always in tears), so he can have the second surgery. Until January 10th let’s be united, let’s show that humanity is what characterizes us best. You can contact him directly.
phone numbers: +37369382696 cell
+37325676178 home

I have faith in YOU good people!!

God bless!


Nicu Iarmaliuc
Miami Beach, FL

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