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For Manon

Donación protegida
As many already know, Manon lost her battle against her mental health condition this week. 

Manon was a much loved beautiful 16 year old. She was a kind, gentle girl and talented horse rider, who was working towards her goal of attending Hartpury college after she had finished school. She will be sorely missed by her family and friends. 

We have set this page up to help Nikki, Jeff, and Meg honour her life and memory at her funeral (with the permission of her family).

Please share so this page can be seen by the family's friends. 

All contributions will go towards Manon's funeral.

*** UPDATE***

This has now been shared over 600 times, and must've been seen by thousands of people. As well as raising money for Manon's funeral we need to raise awareness of mental illnesses, and help remove the stigma attached to them. It's ok to talk, it's ok to admit you need help - and as I hope everyone can see from this page, there really are people who care.

Life is short and precious, don't take those you love for granted. Take the time out of your day for family and friends. Act with kindness, you never know who really needs it.

A massive thank you to everyone who has already donated. As I've said previously the response has been truly amazing.

If you haven't shared this yet then please do. If you've already shared this then please share it again.

No one should have to bury their child, and if we can help Manon's family in any way at this devastating time then it's just the right thing to do.

#formanon ❤️


  • Caroline Cooksley
    • £30
    • 7 años
  • Nick Francis
    • £50
    • 7 años
  • Anónimo
    • £25
    • 7 años
  • B M Roberts
    • £25
    • 7 años
  • Julia Smith
    • £30
    • 7 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Elle Woodfield
Nikki Jones

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Dona de forma rápida y sencilla

  • Eficaz

    Envía ayuda a la gente y las causas que te importan

  • Confiable

    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe