Free Canes for Veterans
"Free Artistic Wooden canes. For Veterans that are dependent on a cane. Made by a Veteran. You supported us and now I support you." - Oscar De Vere Morris III, 8 Year Navy Veteran
Oscar is an incredible woodworker that is passionate about helping his community, especially fellow US Military Veterans. He has started creating incredible, artistic, wood canes for veterans that are dependant on a cane for mobility.
In the short time that Oscar has been making these useful pieces of art for Veterans requests from Veterans have already topped 300, 18 canes have already been received by greatful US Veterans, and he has 12 in the process of being made.
Here's where we can help our US Military Veterans! Oscar is currently working a fulltime job and making these canes on the side, for free. We need funding to help Oscar make these canes and get them shipped as quick as possible to help veterans, FOR FREE. The sanding pads, laquer, and shipping costs are starting to add up. Let's help alleviate those costs and make sure that Oscar can continue making these and getting to the deserving Vets as quick as possible, FOR FREE. No Vet will ever pay for one of these canes, not even the shipping.
Many vets are hesitant to use a "medical device" as they are tough, incredible people who have already given so much for our country. This is our chance to help give these Veterans in need a piece of usable art that will help them get mobile and enjoy the life they have earned.
All that is requested of Veterans receiving a cane is a picture so we can all see that smile with them standing tall with their new cane.
Oscar in the middle presenting 2 canes, on the right is Retired Lt Col Reddick US Air Force and his cane dedicated to ATC at Tyndall AFB and Ret. Master Sgt. Timothy Hibbard. On the left is Master Chief Trasher. His Cane is dedicated by Oscar's Shipmates of S-9 Division USS AMERICA CV-66 Material Division.
Matt, a US Combat Veteran and his new cane. Ready to put on some miles!
Mr. Stanley, US Navy WWII Veteran.
Oscar presenting Mr. Gene Barret, US Air Force with his new cane.
Canes that are ready and waiting to be shipped out to their new deserving homes.