From Fear to Hope
A team of caring individuals have come together to raise money for a scared 26 year old female with a debilitating spine disorder which has left her not much taller than four feet. She is unable to drive and has a hard time walking and standing for long periods due to intense pain.
She is malnourished and has suffered her whole life. She graduated from high school without a friend and struggled for acceptance. For most of her life, she didn’t have anyone who took a long term personal interest in her or someone who cared whether she lived or died. She was never given the medical care she so desperately needed.
Her situation was brought to the attention of a local charity with limited funds. A generous donor helped her get into a local Community College for foundational classes and also provided transportation. Unfortunately her problems did not end there. Her family told her that school was a waste of time and because she wasn’t bringing in any money, she often was not allowed to eat.
We have come together to get this young girl to a home environment where she can heal and thrive. We have located a safe room in a local residents home and the immediate need is money to pay the rent ($600/month) and hopefully her living expenses and medical bills for one year. It is our dream and goal to support and mentor this girl so she may eventually complete her associates degree, learn how to drive and get a job to support herself. The next 6 months are crucial as she is in need of much therapy (and love) to overcome the trauma she has endured. It is also the beginning of a medical journey to uncover any options that might help alleviate her daily pain.
LifeGuard Ecumenical Foundation has graciously agreed to suport this fundraising effort and has also provided a link for a tax deductible donation if you prefer (vs Gofundme).
Please consider helping this sweet young girl to put the past behind her and finally start living her life. Any contribution will help her cause and is very much appreciated.
* please note: her name and photo have been withheld to protect her privacy.
God Bless.