From Japan to Spain;Helping Animals
In April, I'm leaving Japan to spend most of the summer in Spain, taking time off.
However, my time off is still time on for animals, so I will be participating in local animal projects (such as Trap Neuter Return, persuading restaurants to offer vegan options, meeting local activists to exchange ideas, joining protests and marches, etc.).
Instead of buying me a sayonara present, please consider making a small donation to support my work.
I will document my activities on Facebook (Helen Marvell) and Instagram (@veggiesushiandthecity) so that you can see where your donations go.
Thank you for helping me help animals!
さよならギフトのご好意の代わりに、ぜひGo Fund Me (ゴー・ファンウド・ミー)ページに行き、私の活動へご支援をください。
みなさまからのご寄付が何に使われているかをお伝えするために、私Helen MarvellのfacebookページやInstagram(@veggiesushiandthecity)で情報を更新していきます。