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Fund The Count Dankula Appeal

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On the 23rd of April 2018 I was sentenced to an £800 fine after being found guilty of being "grossly offensive" under section 127 of the Offensive Communications Act 2003. Due to me creating a clearly comedic video where I trained my girlfriends pug to be a Nazi.

The only way for the court to secure a conviction was to willingly ignore the clear context of the video, which was explained twice, in the video itself.

This conviction will be used as an example to convict other people over the things they say and the jokes they make, it sets a standard where courts will be able to willfully ignore the context and intent of a persons words and actions in order to punish them and brand them as criminals.

This is the amount that has been quoted by my lawyer, the reason it has been quoted so high is my lawyer wishes to bring in top legal representatives to ensure that we have the highest chance of reversing the standard that this case sets, I cannot allow the 2 years of litigation I went through and having my life put on hold, to happen to anyone else.

I will be 100% transparent with these funds, all bills in regards to the case will be made publicly available.

All remaining funds from this campaign will be donated to a charity.


  • Angus Dorbie
    • £100
    • 2 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Markus Meechan
Mathie Lennox

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