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Funeral Expenses for Lila Johanson

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On October 11, 2017 our sweet Lila Lauren Johanson passed away suddenly in a car accident in Salt Lake City, Utah. Lila was 4 years old and loved by so many. Lila was raised by her single mom, Alexa with help from all of her Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and her father Garret Williams. Lila had more love than imaginable. She was full of kindness and silliness. She will be missed by everyone and we cannot wait until our renunion one day. 

Unfortunatly Lila's mother (my sister) is still in the hospital recovering from her injuries that night so I am setting up this GoFund me to help with the funeral expenses and medical costs for Lila. All money raised will go to pay off the bills accrued for Lila at the hospital and for funeral expenses.


Sophie Miles
Draper, UT

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