please help navy vet and family
Donation protected
In August of 2012, our son Colin was diagnosed with leukemia. He was soon hospitalized at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. My wife, Carrie, and I had to take time off from our jobs and we used up whatever savings we had in order to stay with him while he was hospitalized. Ann Arbor is about 2 hours away from our home and thankfully we were able to depend on some friends and family to watch our two other younger children. Not surprisingly, we fell behind on all of our bills. Not only that, but the medical bills for Colin’s care began to mount.
Bu that wasn’t our only medical emergency. In April of 2013 Carrie started having health problems of her own. First it was abdominal surgery to remove adhesions. Three months later she had a left knee scope. Just as we started to catch up financially, Carrie had a gallbladder attack in November and had to have emergency surgery. Her thyroid had been giving her trouble for the past few years and it got to the point that she had difficulty swallowing, so in December of the same year she had it removed. In 2014 she had her right knee scope done, a hysterectomy (which she had complications from and developed a bowel obstruction and spent nine days in the hospital). In October 2014 due to complications from my wife’s hysterectomy she had to have her sigmoid colon removed and was hospitalized for another week and unable to work while she recovered for a month.
Fast forward to June of 2015. Carrie had another knee surgery to remove some cartilage and a graft was done in August to try to finally repair her left knee. She wasn’t able to work again until November. This hits the family finances since Carrie brings in about 75%. I am a Navy veteran and was discharged after 10 years of service for service because of disability for an injury to my right ankle. That led to another surgery, plus two to six weeks away from work for me.
Now my wife Carrie is having more abdominal pain and her doctor is suggesting another surgey to remove more adhessions and remove right right overy.
Since our credit is so messed up right now we are currently living in our camper untill we can get some of our debt cleaned up so we can pay down some of these bills and clean up our credit in the hopes that we will be able to buy a place of our own again.
And now as if we didn't need anymore added our truck (which is only only thing that can tow our camper) broke down on July 16 and needs the transmission rebuilt, $3200.
And on October 26 our car broke down, lost oil pressure and needs engine replaced. About $1,500 parts and labor.
So between the mounting medical bills and past due bills (like utilities and car insurance, we owe about $15,000. We accept not just donations, but also well wishes and prayers. I thank you for any assistance you could provide. Leo
And now as if we didn't need anymore added our truck (which is only only thing that can tow our camper) broke down on July 16 and needs the transmission rebuilt, $3200.
And on October 26 our car broke down, lost oil pressure and needs engine replaced. About $1,500 parts and labor.
So between the mounting medical bills and past due bills (like utilities and car insurance, we owe about $15,000. We accept not just donations, but also well wishes and prayers. I thank you for any assistance you could provide. Leo
Leo McIllaney
Belton, TX