Miss you buddy!!!
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Hello everyone. I have a very special story how my human family acquired me and I would really like to share that with you.
My name is Riley. I am a 10 year old blue merle austrailian shepherd. Just to clarify things, I'm the one on the left in the photo, the other is my human.
The reason your reading this is quite ironic, and unfortunate for me, but Im hopeful that I will get the medical attention I need.
On februrary 6, 2005 my humans, a mom and her 2 children, had a terrible tragedy, they had a house fire and lost everything they owned, including their pets; 2 cats and 2 Austrailian shepherds. I did not know them at this time, because we never met. My owner, Lynn ( the human in the photo) felt so empty and heartbroken from the loss of her pets, in order to fill the emptyness, she would check out web sites of austrailian shepherd breeders. She would spend hours looking at pictures of puppies just to fill the void. One night, she stumbled across my cute mug, which by the way, I was the "pick of the litter" and couldnt take her eyes off me. Out of curiousity, she emailed my mom and dads humans and asked about me. Lynn didn't mention the tradegy to the woman, because she didnt want anyone to feel sorry for them. Well from what I hear, they talked for a very long time and the woman told Lynn that I had 2 other people who were breeders that were interested in me as well. As the conversation continued Lynn confessed she was only looking at pictures and ended up telling the woman what had happened. But, Lynn politely said she was just curious and how my cuteness won her over. The following day, Lynn received a phone call and to her surprise it was the woman who she had spoke to about me. The woman was skeptical at first, so her husband called Jackson Michigan to check out if Lynn's story was true, which they soon found out that my humans tragedy made fromt page in the local paper.
The woman and her husband decided to give me to my awesome new owners, all they had to do was to drive and get me....to West Virginia. My owners started crying ...probably because I was so freaking cute. Lynn never intended anyone to feel sorry for them, and at first she even said she couldn't except they're kind offer, however, the woman insisted. The next thing, they headed out on a road trip, with new toys and treats for me. When they finally arrived in West Virginia, they met the breeders with open arms. I was looking good as usual, showing off my leadership qualities...it was love at first sight. Lynn told them I was a life saver.
Ive been with my humans on the farm now for 10 years and I absolutely love it. I watch over the property because its my job. I cant wait fordaily outside chores, I love running up and down the fence line and making sure the chickens and horses stay put. My humans adore me as I do them.
Two months ago I started choking, of course Im a dog, I dont know why, so Lynn took me to my doc's, and after a few xrays and blood work, Lynn found out that I have a tumor growing on my heart and it was pushing up against my esophagus causing me to choke.
Lynn began to research homeopathic treatments, knowing that thoracic surgery at Michigan State University would be too expensive.
Well, I hope youre still reading at this point because I dont know how much longer I have live without surgery. I know that sounds depressing, but without surgery I will be lucky to be here a few more weeks. So, I'm going to let my human explain the rest. I know they want to return the favor, because I was a life saver to them 10 years ago and now I am the one who needs a life saver!
Hello, my name is Lynn, Riley's human, I'm the one on the right. I will get to the point as I feel even writing this plea for help may be too late.
Riley acts perfectly normal in every way, except that this tumor is pressing on his espohagus. The ultrasound showed that the tumor is attached to his heart, but no other tumors were seen. We live in Michigan so I called Michigan State University Vet Clinic to get an idea of how much the cost of surgery would be and they gave me an estimate between $4000-$6000. I cant tell you how guilty I feel because I cant afford to save his life, but then again if you asked me how much he is worth to me and my family, I'd say there is no dollar amount. This is mentally and emotionally exhausting. I have researched and researched on how I can treat this with medicinal herbs and homeopathic treatments, but I dont think they are helping at this point. He is on the Budwig's diet, Frankinscene oil with a carrier oil massaged into his chest, lavender put carefully around his face and paws at night to help him relax. I give him a diruetric to decrease the fluid in his chest cavity and a benadryl to help him sleep. I have tried to get him to drink Essiac tea, but he refuses even mixed with beef broth. I have put him on a no grain, no preservative food. He senses something is wrong.
My son, Matthew and his girlfriend Callie, have asked me to write this letter in hope of a miracle. I know that if Riley received this surgery he will live a full life on the farm, without it, I dont think he will make a few more weeks.
If for some reason this plea reaches enough animal lovers, I will imediately schedule surgery and post all updates....if for some reason it doesn't or Riley's health takes a turn for the worst, I promise all monies received will be donated to help other dogs with cancer.
My family has owned animals our whole lives and feel they are necessary to teach humans of true unconditional love. My home will never be without a dog. A dog brings love, peace, joy and a never ending sense of home.
If you could donate even a dollar, that would be helpful, if not, we ask for your prayers. Because of the urgency, could you please pass this on to all your friends and family. We are an honest family and the above story is true. I know there are good people out there who love animals as much as we do!
Thank you for taking time to read Riley's story. I hope he will be around to give you more pictures and positive updates.
Riley, Lynn
& family
Lynn Kotcher
Hanover, MI