Genesis Walk, a mobile museum
Donation protected

Merry Christmas from What's the Evidence
Thank you!
The trailer for the Genesis Walk Museum arrived at our home on a snowy December morning. We had a board meeting and began work on the design of the outer wrap and the Creation Room, which will include a theater-style film of Genesis 1.
The trailer is fully equipped with heat and air conditioning for outreaches in every season, as well as an awning for outdoor activities. It is truly a beautiful trailer and solidly built! We are humbled that the Lord has entrusted this to us and intend it be used to proclaim His truth to our neighbors.
Our goal is to have the outer wrap and Creation Room complete and begin outreaches next spring/summer. Please help us build awareness about the museum.
Finances for PHASE I (trailer and outer wrap) : COMPLETE! THANK YOU!!
PHASE II (Creation Room) and PHASE III (Genesis 3-11 and Jesus): Fund raising is underway. For example, a generator for use in locations with no electricity will cost $2,200, or the projector for the Creation Room costs $2,500, and the screen $700.
We are working to make the museum Biblically and scientifically accurate. We look forward to again be out on the streets engaging individuals and the culture in discussions and sharing with them the gift of God, which is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Thank you for making this possible. Rejoice with us!
Dave and Mary, Randy, Jeff and Richard
What's the Evidence
November 12, 2020
We can all use some good news, right? Well, I have GREAT news! The Genesis Walk Museum trailer will be in production next week!! That's right. God's timing is here; I paid the down payment today. All the parts arrived (thanks for praying!). It is officially ordered. The delay was largely due to shutdowns in manufacturing that is occurring nationwide. Our salesman from Lakeside Services really worked hard to get us in the Que. He is as excited as we are, and said the folks at Triton Trailer are pretty excited to work on our custom built trailer, too. It will be one of a kind. Our desire is that the mobile museum will bring honor and glory to our gracious Lord and that many will come to know Him through the outreaches.
In light of the disruption occurring in social activities, gatherings, etc, we believe the timing for our own venue is stellar. It blesses my heart to realize God knew all along what would happen to our nation and moved us in the direction to build a mobile unit so we are able to continue sharing His Word with our neighbors. Thank you for helping us do this! I know not what will happen in the next few weeks, but He does, and we will continue to bring hope and truth to our communities during this time that is leaving many in turmoil. I hope that seeing God's timing in this encourages your heart as it does mine.
We have funding for the trailer and enough to begin the Creation Room, which is a theater-like room showing a state of the art video on the six days of creation. Thanks to the folks at Genesismovie.com for allowing us to use their film and cut it to meet our needs (Thank you, Randy, for making this work for us). We will also begin work on the apologetic posters in the Creation Room. Once this room is complete we can begin outreaches, but the remainder of the trailer will still be in the works.
Financial needs include:
$6,000 for the eye-catching outer wrap for the trailer.
Ongoing expenses for the displays about Genesis 3-11 and the gospel.
I will update with pictures soon!
Have a blessed day.
Mary for the What's the Evidence team.
The goal has been updated/lowered to $10,000. We have raised $24,000 so far, though most raised has not been via GoFundMe. That's right! Just $10.000 more and we can order the trailer. We are very encouraged!! Our goal is to have the funds to order the trailer early spring. Spread the word, keep praying, and give as the Lord leads. Thank you very much. The What's the Evidence and Genesis Walk Museum Team.
December update:
$18,786.00 raised. That is 42%!!
UPDATE November, 2019:
More than $17,100.00 raised for the mobile museum! That's 38%. We are so thankful for this progress. Please keep praying and giving!
Our minds are busy preparing for building the displays. Pray for us, too.
Sept, 2019
31% raised toward the goal! We are praising the Lord that soon we can order the custom built trailer and begin working on the displays that will bring God's Word to the streets!
We have received $14,086.00 so far!
We praise the Lord for his provision and look forward to the day we order the trailer and then begin working on the displays. Pray with us!
One generation shall praise thy works to another, and they shall declare thy mighty acts. Psalm 145:4
The year is 2019. The place is the United States of America. The concern is OUR next generation.
We are What's the Evidence, Inc, a group of Christians who for more than a dozen years have been showcasing evidences for Biblical history, specifically Genesis 1-11, at the Wisconsin State Fair and other fairs and venues throughout Wisconsin.
We do this because we want people to come to the knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and to obey God's command to go and make disciples.
Evolution can be a stumbling block for many. The educational systems, secular museums, public television and the media are one-sided in their presentation of history and science, thus eroding Biblical authority, causing people to reject the truth.
Our ministry showcases evidences that observable science confirms what the Bible says about science and history.
The book of Genesis records:
the creation of the world, animals, plants and mankind,
the fall into sin,
the worldwide flood,
the origination of people groups,
the meaning of the rainbow and so much more!
This is a hot topic and many people come to our booth telling us they have conversations at work about creation and evolution and ask us for resources.
Over the years we have given out many tens of thousands of pieces of literature and other media that assist us in answering their questions like:
What happened to the Dinosaurs?,
Was there a worldwide flood as recorded in the Bible?
What about Fossils?
What about complexity in nature?
Was Adam a real person?
When did death enter our world?
Is the world really millions of years old?
We have consistently been told that we are the best booth at the fair both visually and educationally, and that our displays are better than what they see at the museum. Parents and grandparents have taken our information to give to their children, friends and other family members.
Of course, kids themselves love to visit our booth and look at and touch the dinosaur artifacts, take home a piece of real amber or a real fossil shark tooth. They can also press a penny with a Biblical message on our one-of-a kind penny machine.
Now we believe it is time to take our message from the fair to the streets and purchase a mobile unit we are calling Genesis Walk Museum which will highlight creation to Christ and be a visual WALK through the first book of the Bible.
We know the interest is real.
What if we could use our mobile museum outside of schools to reach thousands of s tudents?
What if churches could use our unit for VBS, Sunday school, summer camps, Good News Clubs and AWANA clubs?
What if we could be a part of local festivals with our museum?
What if we could be a bigger part of reaching our communities with The Truth and impact the next generation?
Is anything too hard for our God?
The trailer will be very family friendly and ADA accessible so wheel chairs and strollers can easily fit in the aisle.
To purchase the trailer we need to raise $45,000.
That is the purpose of this fundraising campaign.
What's the Evidence, Inc is a group of volunteers who receive no salary. All donations will go toward the Genesis Walk Museum trailer purchase and are tax deductible.
Will you link arms with us today and help us take the Biblical message of creation to the streets of our communities?
We can't thank you enough for partnering with us!
What's the Evidence, Inc websi
Fundraising team (3)
Genesis Walk
West Bend, WI
Isaac Elekom
Team member
Isaac Salapat
Team member
Kris Butler
Team member