Get Past It Fund
When I was in my early 20's I was working on a career in debt collection. Things were looking pretty good for me.
There's always a but.
Well, in my case the agency I worked for closed down and I lost my job. I got another one, but I became very depressed. I spent a lot of time worrying about bills I couldn't pay and how I was going to keep above water. I was drowning quickly. I decided that there was two ways out, suicide or walk away and do something that meant a lot to me. With the help and support of friends and close family I decided to go to school.
In the transition of quitting my job and going back to school my whole life fell past due. I lost my car. All kinds of things became out of my control. I had to walk away.
Since graduating in 2015 I have been getting things back on track. I worked really hard on restoring my credit. I mean I did it so well that I was able to get a vehicle in April. I worked very diligently to take care of my past obligations and move forward with my life in a new light.
Amidst all this looming in the back was a law office who kept taking me to court over a debt. I have tried every which way to work it out with them. I at one point even had enough money to offer a settlement but they refused. They basically told me that they are going to take me to court and get every penny plus fees. They have been malicious in their attempts, making me feel like the biggest pile of human trash.
This is now a reality for me. They have gotten a hold of my wages and are now making it very difficult for me to live my life right now.
I have tried everything I could to get past this old shadow of what once was in my past life. With this garnishment I am currently unable to pay my bills and will end up worse off then before. I will be unable to pay just basic necessities. I can't feed myself and my cat, as well as just maintain the life I have worked very hard to have at this moment.
If you don't know me, right now I am currently working on a new career with a company that has helped me out with my self confidence, building me back up as the great person I once saw before all this. I was finally getting things back on track. This job does require a lot from me, I spend a lot of time at work and I am unable to get a 2nd job with the time frame I spend with it. I have a very strict budget as is. I would love to cut down costs and make things as simple as possible but I have done this so much already. In the last few years I have sold what I can to get this far, and I live paycheck to paycheck to survive, and in that, a lot of the time I do go without. I don't have to means to weather this out at this time.
I am very hopeful that things will work out, I just need your help.
Can you please assist me with something to help keep the lights on, or gas in the tank. food in my cat's belly as well as mine, clean litter for him, so I don't have to worry? I could use your help as quickly as possible.
If you aren't down with giving me something for nothing I am an artist. I do make a little bit off the top when you make a purchase on my RedBubble store. I am also open to doing artwork for you, so if the price is right I would love to do a commission. You could also buy stickers or some prints off me directly since I do have some stuff left over from conventions past.
I really appreciate your time, and if you help, your assistance in this. Thank you.