Found Abused Kitten Needs Vet
Hi! I have no name but I was found this morning by this couple named Sarah and James. They found an empty box with blood in it outside on the ground. They heard my meows and I walked over to them. These people petted me and gave me food and water. Boy!! Was I starved!! I ate right away and sipped water. I didn't notice anything was wrong but there was...and horribly. I was abused last night, my tail has been cut off and I am bleeding back there. I am a fighter though because I survived the night, I'm purring, friendly, and loveable. Sarah and James say I need a vet but are in need of help to pay for my medical bills to get well. I need the funds right away. They plan to take me in tomorrow to get started on being well again. Please help me get well and they will update you on my progress. I want to live life!
Thank you
Hi my name is Sarah Bayley. I am asking anyone and everyone that can possibly donate to please help us. I had to take him this afternoon and the bills are high.