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Join us in our Global Traformation Tour 2017!!
Over 600 Cass Tech High School students in Detroit share their experience at the Transformation "VISION" Assembly hosted by Bountiful Group (BG).
Your tax-deductable donations help BG provide the Resources and Tools to empower today’s youth in the following ways:
1. Host Transformation Assemblies in high schools and universities
2. Fund the Transformation Workshops and Seminars (i.e., entrepreneurship skill development, personal development, life skills and financial literacy). 3. Provide Empowerment and Inspiring resources (giveaways: i.e., books “The insiders guide to a free ride” by Marvis Burns), Transformation T-Shirts, Daily Inspiration Cards, Assembly Hand-outs, Vision Boards and Materials to CREATE)
4. Travel Expenses for the True Purpose Team (event keynote speakers)
5. Host Transformation Assemblies in local communities, outside of high schools and universities.
Q. How does our Transformation Assemblies help kids?
A. BG's Transformation Assemblies help teens cope with everyday stresses and empower them to succeed in life:
* Bullying
* Depression
* Teen Pregnancy
* High School Dropouts
* Crime prevalent in their environment
* Drug Abuse
* Hopelessness
* Anxiety
* Financial Literacy
* College Resources
* Entrepreneurial development
* Time Management skills
* Mentorships
* Community networking
Detroit's Cass Tech High School students, Transformation "VISION" Assembly (2015)
About the Global Transformation "VISION" Assemblies and Tours...
BG ‘s Global True Purpose Team travels Internationally hosting Transformation “Vision” Assemblies and Tours in High Schools and Universities with a mission to INSPIRE our youth to vision beyond circumstance so that they may come to realize a life of Total Happiness and Fulfillment – their DREAMS.
The Students Receive the 3 KEY STEPS to discovering and attaining their life's TRUE PURPOSE so that they can come to live a TOTALLY HAPPY and FULFILLED LIFE!
1) The "How to" discover WHO YOU ARE...your life's TRUE PURPOSE.
2) The "How to" effectively VISION - beyond circumstance (the KEY to successfully attaining their life's TRUE PURPOSE).
3) The POWER of their life's STORY and how to have a POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE about whatever mess-up and/or tragedy they may be experiencing. (Inspired by the presenting True Purpose Team).
The True Purpose Team has hosted Youth Transformation Assemblies/Tours in various states of the U.S., U.K. and Africa since 2012. This is a Global World Peace - True Purpose Movement event (founded in 2010)
Your tax-deductable donation will also help fund the upcoming Youth Transformation Assemblies and Transformation Tour Vision March and Celebration Rally:
1. Nigeria (Anambra State, Abuja, Nasarawa State): Expected # of youth: 10,000+
Tour Dates: September 15 - 25, 2017
2. Detroit, MI:
Expected # of youth: 3,000+
Tour Dates: October 9 - 14, 2017
3. Kenya
Expected # of youth: 10,000+
Tour Dates: March 2 - 10, 2018
Assemblies are ongoing and are constantly updating...
(Communities, adults and families)
We are in NEED of support to make this as successful as we vision it to be for our YOUTH.
So.... Get INVOLVED and EXCITED for the TRANSFORMATION in your life and in as much as the world!
2 year old Jesse (Michigan) is overtaken by "TRANSFORMATION...IT IS SO chant during family time out of no where!"

Transformation Tour - 2013, Wayne State University: Attendees and BG Founder, Dr. Princess-Odilia (bottom), Aleen Hudson, True Purpose Team member and Transformation Assembly Ex. Coordinator (direct center).
Giving the YOUTH an IDEA to VISION in Alpharetta, GA: What an AMAZING experience to see the excitement from a child who is asked: "Can you draw what you want to be you grow up?
Transformation Tour - Nigeria - Nasarawa State University (2012): Students and Transformation Tour Founder, Dr. Princess-Odilia.
Transformation Assembly - Cass Tech (Detroit, MI - 2015): True Purpose Team (Aleen Hudson, John Cromer, Dr. Princess-Odilia, Herb Strather, Lauren Blanding (Youth Leader), Gail Perry Mason, Stephanie Jones), and Cass Tech High School Students.
Transformation Assembly - Cass Tech (Detroit, MI - 2015): True Purpose Team [Ricky Blanding, Stephanie Jones, Aleen Hudson, Lauren Blanding, Dr. Princess-Odilia, Gail Perry Mason, John Cromer, Herb Strather, JP One (Alvin C. Hill, IV), John Hill (Media Director)] and Cass Tech High student atteendees.
Global Transformation Tour-Detroit - Transformation "Vision" March and Celebration Rally (2016): True Purpose Team: John George (Event Key Sponsor, CEO of Motor City Blight Busters), Michael Masambu (Kenya Delegate and BG Board Director - Africa- Kenya), and Student Attendee.

Donate via GoFundMe or
All Donations are Tax-Deductable as per our Fiduciary Company: Blight Busters in Detroit, MI.
Make Checks payable to :
Bountiful Opportunities Group, Inc in care of Blight Busters.
Mail Checks to:
18220 Lahser Rd., Ste. 1
Detroit, MI 48227
Over 600 Cass Tech High School students in Detroit share their experience at the Transformation "VISION" Assembly hosted by Bountiful Group (BG).
Your tax-deductable donations help BG provide the Resources and Tools to empower today’s youth in the following ways:
1. Host Transformation Assemblies in high schools and universities
2. Fund the Transformation Workshops and Seminars (i.e., entrepreneurship skill development, personal development, life skills and financial literacy). 3. Provide Empowerment and Inspiring resources (giveaways: i.e., books “The insiders guide to a free ride” by Marvis Burns), Transformation T-Shirts, Daily Inspiration Cards, Assembly Hand-outs, Vision Boards and Materials to CREATE)
4. Travel Expenses for the True Purpose Team (event keynote speakers)
5. Host Transformation Assemblies in local communities, outside of high schools and universities.
Q. How does our Transformation Assemblies help kids?
A. BG's Transformation Assemblies help teens cope with everyday stresses and empower them to succeed in life:
* Bullying
* Depression
* Teen Pregnancy
* High School Dropouts
* Crime prevalent in their environment
* Drug Abuse
* Hopelessness
* Anxiety
* Financial Literacy
* College Resources
* Entrepreneurial development
* Time Management skills
* Mentorships
* Community networking

About the Global Transformation "VISION" Assemblies and Tours...
BG ‘s Global True Purpose Team travels Internationally hosting Transformation “Vision” Assemblies and Tours in High Schools and Universities with a mission to INSPIRE our youth to vision beyond circumstance so that they may come to realize a life of Total Happiness and Fulfillment – their DREAMS.
The Students Receive the 3 KEY STEPS to discovering and attaining their life's TRUE PURPOSE so that they can come to live a TOTALLY HAPPY and FULFILLED LIFE!
1) The "How to" discover WHO YOU ARE...your life's TRUE PURPOSE.
2) The "How to" effectively VISION - beyond circumstance (the KEY to successfully attaining their life's TRUE PURPOSE).
3) The POWER of their life's STORY and how to have a POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE about whatever mess-up and/or tragedy they may be experiencing. (Inspired by the presenting True Purpose Team).
The True Purpose Team has hosted Youth Transformation Assemblies/Tours in various states of the U.S., U.K. and Africa since 2012. This is a Global World Peace - True Purpose Movement event (founded in 2010)
Your tax-deductable donation will also help fund the upcoming Youth Transformation Assemblies and Transformation Tour Vision March and Celebration Rally:
1. Nigeria (Anambra State, Abuja, Nasarawa State): Expected # of youth: 10,000+
Tour Dates: September 15 - 25, 2017
2. Detroit, MI:
Expected # of youth: 3,000+
Tour Dates: October 9 - 14, 2017
3. Kenya
Expected # of youth: 10,000+
Tour Dates: March 2 - 10, 2018
Assemblies are ongoing and are constantly updating...
(Communities, adults and families)
We are in NEED of support to make this as successful as we vision it to be for our YOUTH.
So.... Get INVOLVED and EXCITED for the TRANSFORMATION in your life and in as much as the world!
2 year old Jesse (Michigan) is overtaken by "TRANSFORMATION...IT IS SO chant during family time out of no where!"

Donate via GoFundMe or
All Donations are Tax-Deductable as per our Fiduciary Company: Blight Busters in Detroit, MI.
Make Checks payable to :
Bountiful Opportunities Group, Inc in care of Blight Busters.
Mail Checks to:
18220 Lahser Rd., Ste. 1
Detroit, MI 48227
DrPrincess Odilia
Detroit, MI