Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Gorny Family Funeral Endowment

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In June 2016 after a hopeful 7 month battle with Endometrial Cancer; the condition of my mother, Anastasia (Bonnie) Gorny took a sharp and unexpected turn for the worse. She passed away on July 8th leaving four surviving sons and husband, Roman. With intense devastation, our family has gone through the process of laying her to rest, while attempting to rebuild some form of structure to keep our family together through this loss.

Just under four months later, on October 27th 2016 my brother Jacob and I found our father Roman (Norman) Gorny unresponsive in his bedroom. The medical examiner result was that he died of natural causes. We dont know how or why he passed, as both he and our mother were in excellent health. My father loved my mother very much.

Our family and lives have been completely ripped apart, and while we are painfully making an attempt to sort affairs and hold onto eachother, we have been overpowered by the financial burden.

The expenses for both my mother and fathers funerals will exceed $25,000. I have no expectation we will reach this goal - but my brothers and I would be eternally thankful for ANY contribution - be it financial, food, prayer, or just kind words of encouragement.  We are a family of strong personal faith in addition to being honest, hardworking, and compassionate actors in our community. 

I have setup this fund so that those who are financially able, willing, and want to help us have a route to do so. Please, help us. Thank you for reading.

God Bless,

John, Jacob, Andrew and Chris


Jáhn Goraski
Portland, OR

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