"Songs for the Hangman's Daughter"
Thanks for taking time to even look at this.
Nearly two years after I released my debut solo CD 'Southern Discomfort," I have recently completed a new solo effort "Songs for the Hangman's Daughter." It's a real "solo" release, with just me singing my song accompanied all by myself on either guitar, banjo or mandolin. There's 11 original tunes, a great new tune written for me by Shinyribs (aka Kevin Russell) Many of the tunes are very timely given the recent changes in America, along with a traditional number and an old Bad Livers tune. It's the most raw and naked record I've ever been involved with and I am very proud of it. Matt Smith produced at the 6 String Ranch Studio in Austin.
I put it all on the credit card thusfar and as of today it is mixed and mastered. (The later thanks to an Angel investor, bless you.) But that's it, sadly. We are stalled only due to finances. The origninal plan is to release a companion book with essays that relate to the music, along with poems and prose, to be illustrated by my artist partner Howard Rains. Should we collect the goal, then we have a shot at producing that as well. The more humble plan is to simply get the CD produced and available.
To that point, anyone who releases recordings today is well aware that without hiring radio and press publicists you might as well not bother releasing at all. Sad, but it's our reality today. A very large chunk of the goal, nearly half, is to fund that. The good news is that much like the studio, the artist, the CD designer, and even the pressing plant, these expenses will go into the pockets of people I know, love and respect, creating a virtuous circle of economic support within the Arts community.
To be totally open about, I will share the lyrics of the tunes on the CD. Some of my ideas are very personal and you may not want to support them. I entirely understand and respect that, so I'm posting these lyrics so that you can be aware and make your own decision.
Rewards? Let's talk and come up with something that makes a win-win deal for everybody. Any donation over $25 will get a hard copy CD and download code. Donate more, and I'll add another recording or two that I have produced over ther years, (going all the way back to Bad Liver 12" vinyl EP's.)
No foolin, getting this recording released and distributed will represent a major accomplishment for me. I hope the messages contained in it will resonate with others as well.
Thanks again for even reading through this. If you are unable to contribute, please consider sharing this on your social media as I have abandoned it for my mental well being;-)
Bi gezunt!