#HankStrong Gets A Bike
This sweet face is Hank. Hank is 3 years old and diagnosed with a congenital CMV infection, which caused a condition called Polymicrogyria- or PMG. PMG is a rare brain malformation resulting in too many folds on the surface of his brain. Hank's is diffuse, it covers all of his brain and has even affected his white matter.
As a results of this, Hank is completely dependent for all of his care. He has total hearing loss in his left ear and a vision impairment as well. He has no physical independence- he can't sit, stand, or walk by himself. He has equipment to help him do it all.
Hank was recently fitted to a special bicycle that will help him use muscles that normally don't get worked- and muscle movement helps prevent him from having contractures (shortening of the tendons that cause your limbs to "fold" in".) as well as giving him a beautiful quality of life.
Hank has 3 older sisters and he absolutely loves to be at the park with them but he has to sit on the sidelines in a wheelchair and watch. This amazing new bicycle would give him a chance to join in on the fun.
Please consider a donation to help us get this sweet baby a few moments of freedom and independence.
This bicycle is not covered at all by insurance as it is not considered medical equipment. To learn more, Freedom Concepts is the manufacturer.