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Hello everyone! We are very excited and blessed to bring you Have A Heart!
Have A Heart is a benefit event built like a music festival. A benefit event that is focused on making a larger impact on families and individuals centered right here in the DFW community.
This first one is going to benefit the Bullard family. More specifically John Bullard who, for his entire life, has had to struggle with an aggresive case of Cerebral Palsy. Below we have written out his entire story so you may see what a beautiful human being John is and why he is a constant source of inspiration for us at Have A Heart!
All funds donated will go towards the costs of the benefit event itself. This way we can have a larger impact on John's financial struggles.
Through certain other sponsors we have been able to nail down deposits on several of the artists we have lined up. However there are many other costs involved in throwing a proper benefit event for the Bullard family. So please read John's story and if your heart has been touched, like so many people before you by John, please donate as much as you feel comfortable. Trust me, it will go a LOOONG way in helping get this event set up proper!
Jeffrey Brown & Matthew Gray
Have A Heart/King Camel Productions
Transcending Limitations
A life of overcoming trials and tribulations with Love, Humility and Music.
The picture above is a moment frozen in time from a mutual friends wedding reception. As per usual our friend John Bullard is at the center of the picture surrounded not just by friends, but a small group of individuals who have all been inspired or touched by John. To meet and to speak with John feels like you were just initiated into a secret club where fear and worry are just minor obstacles to the ultimate goal of love, humility and laughter.
John has Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral palsy is a general term for a group of permanent, non-progressive movement disorders that cause physical disability, mainly in the areas of body movement. John's CP has effected a large percentage of his body and has severely hindered much of his mobility beyond the point of being able to accomplish simple basic everyday chores (such as, eating, using the restroom, ect.). However, enough of that. John's a super positive guy so he wouldn't want me to focus on his physical disability.
"...muscle atrophy, can occur over time when the muscle goes without use or exercise. I know it well. I also know that the human relationship can suffer from atrophy as well. If it be friendship, family relationship, or the relationship with your significant other. If not properly maintained or due to significant nerve damage the muscle grows frail shaky and weak. This goes on long enough, our muscles and bodies are never the same. Our relationships are the most significant treasure granted to us in this life. If damaged by our actions, words, or neglect long enough, atrophy robs our relationship of life just like it would your bodies or like it did my legs.
Our choices change the lives of others, not just our own." - John Bullard, http://jbrollinglife.blogspot.com/
Now I must speak plainly as the author of this paper, but most importantly a humbled man who is daily thankful to know John Bullard. As you can read CP does not define John as a person. I have known John for over 15 years, but it has really been the last 8 or so that I've actually taken the time to really get to know him as a person. Getting to know him has filled me with regret that I didn't get to know him sooner as I would most assuredly be further along in becoming a wise man. Everytime I meet John somewhere (accompanied by his brother Joel) whether it be a concert (his favorite), his house or just a neighborhood bar n grill; I can feel my heart get excited because I know I'm about to have a great time. He has the BIGGEST smile you have ever seen. Literally, I've never seen one bigger. He'll roll right up next to you, tell you how great it is to see you and then bust your nuggets with the wit of a comedy master. Then after a while, inevitabley, you get into one of those deep philisophical discussions that you tend to have with your friends. That is the best part of John. He has so much knowledge and understanding of the world, relationships and struggles.
Now, he has gained that knowledge through personal and familial struggles. Beyond the CP, John has endured morehardships than a human being ought to. He has had to struggle with so much I can only do a few as it's too heartbreaking:
- About 7+ years ago John had to struggle with his mother's mental illness which ultimately lent to her leaving the family out of nowhere and starting up a new life without John or his family of 3 other brothers and his Father (also a very smart and humble person)
-Has had to struggle almost a life time of seeing a brother he once knew so well in and out of drugs, prison and rehibilitation. The emotional rollercoaster of having a loved one do that to themselves and their family is a HUGE toll on the spirit and body.
- John has been cut off by government organizations and insurance companies time and time again. These organizations have done everything from cutting him off from his medications to forcing him to live in special needs homes just to prove the severity of his condition. He is not from a family who can afford that type of medication or many of the things John needs to have just a decent life. His Handicap Van is all but broken down. Tens of thousands of dollars spent on wheelchairs and repairs.
- (I'll make this the last one) His entire life he has had two men that have been his caretaker. His Father, who is his primary caretaker, and his brother Joel. Now Joel is in his late 20's and obiously has had to work himself to the bone to pitch in and help John. Not just with taking care of him, but with financial support as well. John's father has always been there for his family. He has been the foundation and has been there since day 1 with John. Without going into great detail (and in many peoples opinion, just not the judge) John's father was recently wrongly imprisoned. Just the wrong place and the wrong time in many peoples view, but that is not what is important. What is important is that the judge found no mercy on the fact that Mr. Bullard was John's only full time caretaker. Now that this has happened that responsibility has fallen to his older brother Joel. Who now has had to quit his job and move in to the family house to take care of John.
I could go on and on about John and his life, but I will spare you the 300 page ramblings I could offer. All in all, John brings love, laughter and peace everywhere he goes. I am asking that you help as much as you are able to financially. The funds we raise for John will go to help with everything from fixing up the van to everyday expenses since there is no real income to speak of. I know there are many that suffer and John does also, that is one of the reasons he is SO terrible at asking for help. He doesn't want to inconvenience anyone.
So in closing I just ask that you help us as much as you can financially so that we can throw a BIG BASH for John and raise as much funds as possible for him and his family.Have A Heart
Have A Heart is a benefit event built like a music festival. A benefit event that is focused on making a larger impact on families and individuals centered right here in the DFW community.
This first one is going to benefit the Bullard family. More specifically John Bullard who, for his entire life, has had to struggle with an aggresive case of Cerebral Palsy. Below we have written out his entire story so you may see what a beautiful human being John is and why he is a constant source of inspiration for us at Have A Heart!
All funds donated will go towards the costs of the benefit event itself. This way we can have a larger impact on John's financial struggles.
Through certain other sponsors we have been able to nail down deposits on several of the artists we have lined up. However there are many other costs involved in throwing a proper benefit event for the Bullard family. So please read John's story and if your heart has been touched, like so many people before you by John, please donate as much as you feel comfortable. Trust me, it will go a LOOONG way in helping get this event set up proper!
Jeffrey Brown & Matthew Gray
Have A Heart/King Camel Productions
Transcending Limitations
A life of overcoming trials and tribulations with Love, Humility and Music.
The picture above is a moment frozen in time from a mutual friends wedding reception. As per usual our friend John Bullard is at the center of the picture surrounded not just by friends, but a small group of individuals who have all been inspired or touched by John. To meet and to speak with John feels like you were just initiated into a secret club where fear and worry are just minor obstacles to the ultimate goal of love, humility and laughter.
John has Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral palsy is a general term for a group of permanent, non-progressive movement disorders that cause physical disability, mainly in the areas of body movement. John's CP has effected a large percentage of his body and has severely hindered much of his mobility beyond the point of being able to accomplish simple basic everyday chores (such as, eating, using the restroom, ect.). However, enough of that. John's a super positive guy so he wouldn't want me to focus on his physical disability.
"...muscle atrophy, can occur over time when the muscle goes without use or exercise. I know it well. I also know that the human relationship can suffer from atrophy as well. If it be friendship, family relationship, or the relationship with your significant other. If not properly maintained or due to significant nerve damage the muscle grows frail shaky and weak. This goes on long enough, our muscles and bodies are never the same. Our relationships are the most significant treasure granted to us in this life. If damaged by our actions, words, or neglect long enough, atrophy robs our relationship of life just like it would your bodies or like it did my legs.
Our choices change the lives of others, not just our own." - John Bullard, http://jbrollinglife.blogspot.com/
Now I must speak plainly as the author of this paper, but most importantly a humbled man who is daily thankful to know John Bullard. As you can read CP does not define John as a person. I have known John for over 15 years, but it has really been the last 8 or so that I've actually taken the time to really get to know him as a person. Getting to know him has filled me with regret that I didn't get to know him sooner as I would most assuredly be further along in becoming a wise man. Everytime I meet John somewhere (accompanied by his brother Joel) whether it be a concert (his favorite), his house or just a neighborhood bar n grill; I can feel my heart get excited because I know I'm about to have a great time. He has the BIGGEST smile you have ever seen. Literally, I've never seen one bigger. He'll roll right up next to you, tell you how great it is to see you and then bust your nuggets with the wit of a comedy master. Then after a while, inevitabley, you get into one of those deep philisophical discussions that you tend to have with your friends. That is the best part of John. He has so much knowledge and understanding of the world, relationships and struggles.
Now, he has gained that knowledge through personal and familial struggles. Beyond the CP, John has endured morehardships than a human being ought to. He has had to struggle with so much I can only do a few as it's too heartbreaking:
- About 7+ years ago John had to struggle with his mother's mental illness which ultimately lent to her leaving the family out of nowhere and starting up a new life without John or his family of 3 other brothers and his Father (also a very smart and humble person)
-Has had to struggle almost a life time of seeing a brother he once knew so well in and out of drugs, prison and rehibilitation. The emotional rollercoaster of having a loved one do that to themselves and their family is a HUGE toll on the spirit and body.
- John has been cut off by government organizations and insurance companies time and time again. These organizations have done everything from cutting him off from his medications to forcing him to live in special needs homes just to prove the severity of his condition. He is not from a family who can afford that type of medication or many of the things John needs to have just a decent life. His Handicap Van is all but broken down. Tens of thousands of dollars spent on wheelchairs and repairs.
- (I'll make this the last one) His entire life he has had two men that have been his caretaker. His Father, who is his primary caretaker, and his brother Joel. Now Joel is in his late 20's and obiously has had to work himself to the bone to pitch in and help John. Not just with taking care of him, but with financial support as well. John's father has always been there for his family. He has been the foundation and has been there since day 1 with John. Without going into great detail (and in many peoples opinion, just not the judge) John's father was recently wrongly imprisoned. Just the wrong place and the wrong time in many peoples view, but that is not what is important. What is important is that the judge found no mercy on the fact that Mr. Bullard was John's only full time caretaker. Now that this has happened that responsibility has fallen to his older brother Joel. Who now has had to quit his job and move in to the family house to take care of John.
I could go on and on about John and his life, but I will spare you the 300 page ramblings I could offer. All in all, John brings love, laughter and peace everywhere he goes. I am asking that you help as much as you are able to financially. The funds we raise for John will go to help with everything from fixing up the van to everyday expenses since there is no real income to speak of. I know there are many that suffer and John does also, that is one of the reasons he is SO terrible at asking for help. He doesn't want to inconvenience anyone.
So in closing I just ask that you help us as much as you can financially so that we can throw a BIG BASH for John and raise as much funds as possible for him and his family.Have A Heart
Jeffrey Brown
Dallas, TX