Hands and Feet For Refugee Relief
My name is Tim Hendrickson and I'm giving my life to saying 'Yes' to God. Last year I travelled across a dozen different countries helping where I could to bring life, love and hope where it was needed most. This world needs help but helping this world is something we can't do by ourselves and so I humbly ask you to join me in my next venture.I can remember the first time I learned about the holocaust back in elementary school. I remember thinking to myself "Why didn't anyone do anything to help?"
The European refugee crisis is the largest humaniterian crisis of my generation and I don't want to look back at the end of my life time and see in the history books how all these families chose to flee from the same enemies we have and then have to ask myself "Why didn't I do anything to help?"
So come January 4th I'll be flying to Greece to help feed the hungry and bring hope to the hopeless. I will be there for around 36 days helping unload men, women and children off the rafts, giving them food, water and dry clothes and helping them move along in their journey of searching for a better, safer tomorrow to raise their family in.
If you would also like to look back years from now and see that you decided to do something about this crisis please consider joining my support team. Please pray and please spread the word.
I need $1,500 to cover food and boarding costs for the 36 days I will be in Greece.
I need another $1,500 for my plane ticket there and back.
Thank you so much for your help. No donation is too small or too big. If we would all just work together we would be amazed at the difference we could make.
Here's a video showing an upclose look at what's going on in Lesvos, Greece.