Healthcare Expenses
My name is Millicent Black. I am a victim of non-consensual human experimentation on the same order as the Tuskagee Syphilis Experiment. This experimentation is as cruel as the story of Henrietta Lacks, except that data is taken from my body remotely by telemetry via satellite. The invasion of my body and brain can be accomplished no matter where I travel in the world.
My body contains multiple unidentified objects that are causing me continued health issues. The implants are located in my jaws, heart, 15 in my right leg, feet and ankles, 12 in my left leg, feet and ankles. As of 2014 there are six implants around my right knee that have been used to destroy the total knee replacement which made a total knee revision necessary in Feb. 2018. By October 2018, the surgeon was already recommending yet another revision. The assaults to my right thigh have continued.
I need your assistance because of continued medical and travel expenses to address the results of what is called nonconsenual government experimentation and torture. There are constant visits to Western and natural medicine practitioners in an effort to stay on top of the mistreatment that I am forced to endure that could cause cancer or death from microwave and other radiation exposure. Changes to my vision and cognitive abilities are indicative of brain damage much like what has been experienced by the Cuban Embassy workers.
Thank you for all of the love and financial support you have given me. Help me continue to stand against the illegal use of my body as a form of human trafficking.
Dr. Millicent Black