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Hedflux's Album

Spende geschützt


My friends, I am in the final stages of development of my album,  and I'm reaching out to you, to help secure the funding I need to get it all finished, mixed, mastered and prepared for release on September 27th 2016

I've not released much music in the last few years, but I've been very active experimenting, exploring, and developing my creative technique and workflow.

I've been feeling my way out into new tempos and grids within the musical landscape, and employing new ways of working and building tracks

I started dozens of new projects as part of this, and I have now distilled them down to nine key tracks which I'm actively working on for the album right now 

By purchasing one of the rewards you're helping me to fund the next 6 weeks of full-time creative development 

As a minimum you get the album, and then depending on how much you want to get involved, you can get advanced promos, guest list for life, sample packs, FX racks, tutorials, weekly video updates, webinars, remix stems, even the full psychedelic jedi course! 

I think there's a whole bunch of win-win deals there, and I'm super excited about the potential of entering into a more open, transparent, and accountable relationship wih you, my wonderful global community, without whom this project would not exist

Big love to you all! <3 

Thank you, Gracias, Mahalo 

Steve // Hedflux


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    • £6
    • 8 yrs


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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt