Big Lake Rec Center Damage - Alaska Earthquake
Tax deductible
The Big Lake Lions Recreation Center was badly damaged in the recent 7.0 earthquake here in Alaska! We have sustained about $75,000.00 worth of damage! Please help us recover from this terrible disaster! We were fortunate that our ice sheet needs just minimal repair , to be a-ok but some of the other parts of the building didn't fare so well.
We had Community volunteer crews in to do clean up and some of our local professional also came out to help us get pipes sealed for now so we could turn on the water and heat to prevent further damage and to allow us to continue to be the heart of the Community. The volunteers and local professionals have done as much as they can without financial support.
Our Big Lake Rec Center is a huge part of the Community behind our Community! Our local schools have "home ice" for the first time, our kids can come out and skate for fun, birthdays or just keep their skate legs in shape. Our Center hosts numerous community events including the Christmas Tree lighting and parade (which had to be cancelled because of the Quake), Gun Show with the local hockey and baseball teams, Mud Volleyball, and Pond Hockey Classic, and we have hosted birthdays. weddings and even funerals. During the recent Sockeye fire the center was a gathering place for our community members to get information and assistance. It really is the center of our community.
Our Big Lake Lions has a thirty year track record of 95% of funds raised going directly to the community and its needs!
Big Lake Lions is raising money for earthquake recovery for our Community Center. I am Lisa Humphreys, Secretary for Houston High School, small business owner (Ace Water Wells and Pump Service) and Lions Club member and Community supporter. The other team members for this funding account are Jaime Estes, MVFCU employee and Lions Club President and Bill Haller, Lions Club member and Rec Center Manager/dreambuilder, and Cherie Hill Lions Club member and community supporter, and Carrie Smoldon, teacher, Community supporter and ultimate hockey mom!
You can also go to the Big Lake Rec Center web site and send support by clicking on the Support the Rec Center tab! Or mail your support to P O Box 520048, Big Lake, AK. 99652.
Money raised will be spent for Lions Club Rec Center recovery/repair and ongoing expenses, and will be deposited by GOFundMe directly into the Lions Club Foundation account.
Some of the damages include:
Our sprinkler system has been torqued and more than half of the piping and the sprinkler heads will have to be replaced. The 17,000 gallon water tank feeding the sprinkler system shifted and will need repair for leaks and broken pipes.
The HVAC (heating/AC) duct work is broken and fell in places and much of it will have to be replaced.
A large number of ceiling tiles are broken and the framework that holds them is twisted and torqued and will need to be replaced. We have 5000 square feet of ceiling tiles and frames and a majority of it has been affected.
Our hot water heaters shifted almost 3 feet and need plumbing repair.
LED light fixtures in the Arena area fell and are destroyed/damaged and will have to be replaced.
Flourescent fixtures in the Community area fell and were destroyed/damaged.
Our Marble Lions were also injured as they were rocked over and broke in the quake. We hope they can be repaired.
See pictures below for more information:
This is the insulated 17,000 gallon sprinkler tank which was shifted during the quake, breaking some pipes and causing leaks.

Some of our sprinkler heads and light fixtures are missing above the ice. We lost more than a dozen light fixtures just in the arena area.
Damaged/crushed light fixtures from the arena area.
Damaged duct work. Above and below.

An awesome volunteer cleaning up what she can from the fallen and broken ceiling tiles.
Hot water tanks that shifted 3 feet and will need plumbing repair.
Our beautiful marble Lions waiting to go around our outdoor garden/fountain area broken.
Big Lake Lions is raising money for earthquake recovery for our Community Center. I am Lisa Humphreys, Secretary for Houston High School, small business owner (Ace Water Wells and Pump Service) and Lions Club member and Community supporter. The other team members for this funding account are Jaime Estes, MVFCU employee and Lions Club President and Bill Haller, Lions Club member and Rec Center Manager/dreambuilder!
Money raised will be spent for Lions Club Rec Center recovery/repair and ongoing expenses, and will be deposited by GOFundMe directly into the Lions Club Foundation account.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to our community.
Please share loud and proud!
We had Community volunteer crews in to do clean up and some of our local professional also came out to help us get pipes sealed for now so we could turn on the water and heat to prevent further damage and to allow us to continue to be the heart of the Community. The volunteers and local professionals have done as much as they can without financial support.
Our Big Lake Rec Center is a huge part of the Community behind our Community! Our local schools have "home ice" for the first time, our kids can come out and skate for fun, birthdays or just keep their skate legs in shape. Our Center hosts numerous community events including the Christmas Tree lighting and parade (which had to be cancelled because of the Quake), Gun Show with the local hockey and baseball teams, Mud Volleyball, and Pond Hockey Classic, and we have hosted birthdays. weddings and even funerals. During the recent Sockeye fire the center was a gathering place for our community members to get information and assistance. It really is the center of our community.
Our Big Lake Lions has a thirty year track record of 95% of funds raised going directly to the community and its needs!
Big Lake Lions is raising money for earthquake recovery for our Community Center. I am Lisa Humphreys, Secretary for Houston High School, small business owner (Ace Water Wells and Pump Service) and Lions Club member and Community supporter. The other team members for this funding account are Jaime Estes, MVFCU employee and Lions Club President and Bill Haller, Lions Club member and Rec Center Manager/dreambuilder, and Cherie Hill Lions Club member and community supporter, and Carrie Smoldon, teacher, Community supporter and ultimate hockey mom!
You can also go to the Big Lake Rec Center web site and send support by clicking on the Support the Rec Center tab! Or mail your support to P O Box 520048, Big Lake, AK. 99652.
Money raised will be spent for Lions Club Rec Center recovery/repair and ongoing expenses, and will be deposited by GOFundMe directly into the Lions Club Foundation account.
Some of the damages include:
Our sprinkler system has been torqued and more than half of the piping and the sprinkler heads will have to be replaced. The 17,000 gallon water tank feeding the sprinkler system shifted and will need repair for leaks and broken pipes.
The HVAC (heating/AC) duct work is broken and fell in places and much of it will have to be replaced.
A large number of ceiling tiles are broken and the framework that holds them is twisted and torqued and will need to be replaced. We have 5000 square feet of ceiling tiles and frames and a majority of it has been affected.
Our hot water heaters shifted almost 3 feet and need plumbing repair.
LED light fixtures in the Arena area fell and are destroyed/damaged and will have to be replaced.
Flourescent fixtures in the Community area fell and were destroyed/damaged.
Our Marble Lions were also injured as they were rocked over and broke in the quake. We hope they can be repaired.
See pictures below for more information:

Some of our sprinkler heads and light fixtures are missing above the ice. We lost more than a dozen light fixtures just in the arena area.

Big Lake Lions is raising money for earthquake recovery for our Community Center. I am Lisa Humphreys, Secretary for Houston High School, small business owner (Ace Water Wells and Pump Service) and Lions Club member and Community supporter. The other team members for this funding account are Jaime Estes, MVFCU employee and Lions Club President and Bill Haller, Lions Club member and Rec Center Manager/dreambuilder!
Money raised will be spent for Lions Club Rec Center recovery/repair and ongoing expenses, and will be deposited by GOFundMe directly into the Lions Club Foundation account.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to our community.
Please share loud and proud!
Co-organizers (5)
Lisa Humphreys
Big Lake, AK
Big Lake Lions Foundation Inc
Jaime Estes
Team member
Chris Sawyer
Team member
Bill Haller
Team member
Kevin Reider
Team member