Help build a Lifeguard Tower
Tax deductible
Sayulita Surf Rescue is a group of professional and volunteer Lifeguards working in tandem to prevent drownings in the waters of Sayulita. At the same time as saving lives, we are helping to keep our ocean clean and our beaches safe. Sayulita Surf Rescue is looking for funding for our fourth and final Lifeguard Tower.
The Tower featured in this photo was designed and built by Cyd Viator of Phoenix AZ. Cyd spent his career as a contractor building homes. The tower is constructed of 100% recycled plastic. It is sturdy and will float, should it get caught by a wave. Stainless steel bolts have been used to prevent rusting. The cost of this tower including all signage and labor was $5,135.00 USD. We require additional funding to help us in our campaign to build one more tower to continue to save lives.
Donations of:
$100 will put your name on the tower!
$100 will also get a memorial plaque for lost family members, friends or pets.
$200 will get your businesses logo on the tower at Centro beach
Any business can also donate to sponsor the entire tower! $5000 USD will get you there!
Please help us build the final tower and save lives! Join us on Facebook and spread the word! Thank you!
Sayulita Surf Rescue is fully and entirely supported by Pro Sayulita. We would like to thank Jack Jones, President of Pro Sayulita and Charlie Knittel, Treasurer, for their support of this campaign. Also, many thanks to all of the Board Members for their undying support of this Program and Campaign. Without this support, we would not have been able to accomplish what we have done thus far.

Donations of:
$100 will put your name on the tower!
$100 will also get a memorial plaque for lost family members, friends or pets.
$200 will get your businesses logo on the tower at Centro beach

Please help us build the final tower and save lives! Join us on Facebook and spread the word! Thank you!
Sayulita Surf Rescue is fully and entirely supported by Pro Sayulita. We would like to thank Jack Jones, President of Pro Sayulita and Charlie Knittel, Treasurer, for their support of this campaign. Also, many thanks to all of the Board Members for their undying support of this Program and Campaign. Without this support, we would not have been able to accomplish what we have done thus far.
Janice Parker
Friends of Sayulita, Inc