Help Daniel Fight Multiple Myeloma
Donation protected
Hi friends and family,
My name is Laurentiu Neagu and I would like you to know my brother and greatest person, Daniel M Neagu.
In February 2016, due to back pain and tiredness went to the hospital and after several tests he was diagnosted with Multiple Myeloma , It is a blood cancer.
After his diagnosis he went through bone excision tumor and vertebral body reconstruction .In March was transferred to a different hospital and did the stem cell transplant. The stem cell transplant did not work and he did not achieve remission. Unfortunately, the results were worst and the disease came back more aggressive in less than 100 days after the transplant. The doctors recommended to go with the following treatment :REVLIMID( LENALIDOMIDE)25 mg and KYPROLIS(CARFILZOMIB)60mg. Those drugs are not available in Romania and also they are very expensive. My brother needs these drugs as soon as possible being that he is going through a lot of pain. Sadly, our family can not afford these treatments. We are reaching out to family, friends and those hoping to make a difference in the life of an amazing young men who has a lifetime ahead of him. Daniel has never taken his life for granted. He has always been generous, caring and helpful.
If anyone can help with a donation, in any amount, no matter how small, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you, in advance, for any help you may be able to offer our family.
Buna ziua,
Numele meu este Neagu Laurentiu,si am un frate care a fost diagnosticat cu o boala ce se numeste Mielom Multiplu si este un cancer al sangelui.Numele fratelui meu este Neagu Marius-Daniel, in varsta de 35 de ani .Am descoperit aceasta boala in luna Februarie 2016 in urma unor dureri foarte mari de spate la coloana vertebrala dupa efectuarea analizelor medicala si a examenelor tip RMN doctorii ne-au spus ca are multiple tumori osoase insa cea mai avansata este o tumoare de pe coloana vertebrala si coasta,mai exact vertebra T9. A fost supus unei interventi chirurgicale unde I s-a extirpat acea tumora si s-a facut reconstructie de vertebra si fixare cu 3 suruburi din titan.In luna Martie a fost transferat la un alt spital aici din Romania,in sectia de Hematologie si transplant medular.Pana in present fratele meu a efectuat toate tratamentele disponibile gratuit in Romania.In luna August a efectuat un autotransplant de cellule stem, insa rezultatele nu au fost unele favorabile si boala a revenit foarte agresiv la mai putin de 100 de zile dupa transplant.Medicul curant de aici din Romania ne-a recomandat sa mergem pe varianta a doua de tratament ce consta din Revlimid (Lenalidomide)25mg si Kyprolis (Carfilzomib)60mg. Aceste medicamente nu sunt disponibile in Romania.
Va rugam din suflet daca ne puteti ajuta urgent pentru a obtine fonduri pentru achizitionarea acestor medicamente,sau daca ne puteti ajuta prin donarea lor. Exista si varianta ca fratele meu sa fie trimis sa faca acest tratament intr-o clinica din Europa sau America insa eu si familia mea nu avem posibilitatea financiara de a merge cu fratele la tratament intr-o alta tara .Fratele meu in momentul actual este internat la Spitalul Clinic Fundeni din Bucuresti intr-o stare foarte grava, avem nevoie urgenta de ajutor !
Va multumim in advans pentru orice donatie!
My name is Laurentiu Neagu and I would like you to know my brother and greatest person, Daniel M Neagu.
In February 2016, due to back pain and tiredness went to the hospital and after several tests he was diagnosted with Multiple Myeloma , It is a blood cancer.
After his diagnosis he went through bone excision tumor and vertebral body reconstruction .In March was transferred to a different hospital and did the stem cell transplant. The stem cell transplant did not work and he did not achieve remission. Unfortunately, the results were worst and the disease came back more aggressive in less than 100 days after the transplant. The doctors recommended to go with the following treatment :REVLIMID( LENALIDOMIDE)25 mg and KYPROLIS(CARFILZOMIB)60mg. Those drugs are not available in Romania and also they are very expensive. My brother needs these drugs as soon as possible being that he is going through a lot of pain. Sadly, our family can not afford these treatments. We are reaching out to family, friends and those hoping to make a difference in the life of an amazing young men who has a lifetime ahead of him. Daniel has never taken his life for granted. He has always been generous, caring and helpful.
If anyone can help with a donation, in any amount, no matter how small, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you, in advance, for any help you may be able to offer our family.
Buna ziua,
Numele meu este Neagu Laurentiu,si am un frate care a fost diagnosticat cu o boala ce se numeste Mielom Multiplu si este un cancer al sangelui.Numele fratelui meu este Neagu Marius-Daniel, in varsta de 35 de ani .Am descoperit aceasta boala in luna Februarie 2016 in urma unor dureri foarte mari de spate la coloana vertebrala dupa efectuarea analizelor medicala si a examenelor tip RMN doctorii ne-au spus ca are multiple tumori osoase insa cea mai avansata este o tumoare de pe coloana vertebrala si coasta,mai exact vertebra T9. A fost supus unei interventi chirurgicale unde I s-a extirpat acea tumora si s-a facut reconstructie de vertebra si fixare cu 3 suruburi din titan.In luna Martie a fost transferat la un alt spital aici din Romania,in sectia de Hematologie si transplant medular.Pana in present fratele meu a efectuat toate tratamentele disponibile gratuit in Romania.In luna August a efectuat un autotransplant de cellule stem, insa rezultatele nu au fost unele favorabile si boala a revenit foarte agresiv la mai putin de 100 de zile dupa transplant.Medicul curant de aici din Romania ne-a recomandat sa mergem pe varianta a doua de tratament ce consta din Revlimid (Lenalidomide)25mg si Kyprolis (Carfilzomib)60mg. Aceste medicamente nu sunt disponibile in Romania.
Va rugam din suflet daca ne puteti ajuta urgent pentru a obtine fonduri pentru achizitionarea acestor medicamente,sau daca ne puteti ajuta prin donarea lor. Exista si varianta ca fratele meu sa fie trimis sa faca acest tratament intr-o clinica din Europa sau America insa eu si familia mea nu avem posibilitatea financiara de a merge cu fratele la tratament intr-o alta tara .Fratele meu in momentul actual este internat la Spitalul Clinic Fundeni din Bucuresti intr-o stare foarte grava, avem nevoie urgenta de ajutor !
Va multumim in advans pentru orice donatie!
Organizer and beneficiary
Orlando, FL
Heaven Preview Foundation, Inc.