Help for Hit by Car Harvey Kitten!
Donation protected

This little kitten was hit by a car and rushed in by good samaritans late Saturday night to BluePearl Willowbrook Animal Emergency in Houston, a city still half-underwater from Hurricane Harvey, with many pets and families displace. He had been hit by a car and was bleeding from the mouth and paws. His condition was serious, but stable. The staff there immediately scanned him for a microchip and to their elation discovered he had one, and it had been placed recently and registered with Harris County Veterinary Public Health! The staff at BP Willowbrook reached out to their friends at HCVPH to see if they could find out who the kitten had been adopted to in an attempt to reach the owner. The phones are down at HCVPH due to flooding so reaching them was tricky, but where there is a will there is a way!
The next morning we discovered why the kitten was out loose in the first place. The family who had adopted the kitten, so recently they had not even had a chance to name him, had their home washed away in the flooding, and the kitten with it. They were happy to know he was alive, but after losing everything they were incapable of taking on the medical costs associated with a seriously injured kitten. They didn't even have a home to bring him back to. They asked if they could surrender the kitten and I offered to take responsibility for him. They were tearful and thankful that he was alive and he would be cared for, and agreed to relinquish ownership.
My husband and I personally lost our home, our cars, everything in the flooding last year, and two of our cats drowned. I was so happy to let them know this, at least, was not the case with this kitten.
The kitten is currently being treated still at the hospital, being kept comfortable on pain medication and eating wet food well. I am currently waiting to hear back regarding radiograph results and an estimate for surgery. It does appear the jaw is broken and jaw fracture repair can be quite costly. The front left paw may also be broken requiring surgery.
If you can find it in your heart, please help me raise the funds needed for this sweet boy! Even in pain he purred and gave my hand a headbutt! He has had such a horrific start to his young life and I want to find him his happy ending to such a traumatic beginning! As he recovers I will also be looking to adopt him out to a good home.
So much love and thanks to the wonderful staff at BluePearl Willowbrook Animal Emergency and tireless volunteers and staff at Harris County Veterinary Public Health for all of their continued dedication to animals in our community as we recover from Hurricane Harvey! Together we are Houston Strong!
P.S. This little boy needs a name!!! If you have any suggestions please let me know!
Allison Tate Campos
Houston, TX