Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Help for the Serfilippi Family

Spende geschützt
On Saturday evening, a devastating fire took from the Serfilippi family their home, possessions, and their beloved dog, Henry.  As well known and loved members of their community, an immediate outpouring of people wanting to help has been received. 

Thank you to everyone who have already contributed .  Donations will continue to be received care of the Martin family at 38 Starr Lane, Bethel.  For those who are unable to drop off, this outlet will help streamline getting them the assistance they need.  Every bit helps and is appreciated immensely by the family.


  • Peter Coffin
    • 250 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Stejskal Family
    • 100 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Valerie Jarstad
    • 40 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Rod and Beth Doble
    • 100 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Lou Capone
    • 100 $
    • 6 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Courtney Rossi Martin
Bethel, CT
Judith Serfilippi

Deine einfache, effektive und sichere Anlaufstelle für Hilfe

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    Unterstütze Menschen und Zwecke, die dir am Herzen liegen

  • Sicher

    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt