Help for the shooting victim
Donation protected
Nasza koleżanka Joanna Okońska została postrzelona 14 maja nad ranem na autostradzie Kennedy’ego w Chicago o godz. 3.45 wracając do domu.
Na wysokości ulicy Fullerton Aśce drogę zajechało czarne bmw a kiedy zatrąbiła i przyśpieszyła, próbując wyprzedzić auto ,kierowca zrównał się z jej samochodem, i przez otwarte okno pasażera oddał do niej sześć strzałów. Jedna z kul utkwiła w nodze na wysokości biodra. Joanna została przewieziona do szpitala Masonic Medical Center w Chicago , gdzie zespół chirurgów przeprowadził 2 - godzinną operację rekonstrukcji rozstrzaskanej kości . Joanna ma wstawiony tytanowy pręt i dwie tytanowe śruby , którymi zespolono połamaną kość. Przez kolejne miesiące Joanna nie będzie w stanie podjąć pracy . Lekarze przewidują , że okres rehabilitacji potrwa pół roku.
Zwracamy się z apelem do wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli o finansowe wsparcie.
Liczy się każda pomoc.
In a matter of seconds, a young woman's life was turned upside down because of a senseless act of crime by a complete stranger. Joanna was driving back home on the Kennedy expressway near downtown Chicago when a stranger open fired into her moving car. Several bullets hit her car along the passenger side and sadly one of the bullets struck her legs. Afraid, shocked, and in extreme pain, she somehow found the strength to pull over and call for help. All she remembered when help arrived was how her muscles were dangling off her legs and how she can't feel her legs due to the excruciating pain.
Though she is lucky and blessed to be alive, her bones in her legs were shattered and she will not be able to move around normally for several months. After surgery, doctors told her that they will not be able to remove the bullets in her legs because it was too close to a major artery and can cause serious and life threatening issues if they tried to remove the bullets. They informed her that she will have those bullets lodged inside her for the rest of her life. They were able to put screws on her legs to keep the muscles attached. Please see the pictures.
Due to this ruthless act of this person, Joanna's immediate future is in jeopardy. Joanna is an immigrant from Poland who came to United States to make a better life for herself. She was doing everything right and was working full time to support herself and was attending Triton College to help her prepare for a good future. She is alone here and has no family to help her during this tough period. Her family still lives in Poland and her mom is extremely worried and devastated because she can’t be here to help her daughter through this painful ordeal. She has very minimal support and resources available to help her during this difficult time.
She is scared and worried about how she will be able to do pay her bills if she can barely move. She will not be able to work due to this tragic event for a few months and she has nobody to help her with rent and utilities. Any help and support she can receive while she is recovering will be incredibly helpful and will provide her with some relief for the next few months. She has no other means to get an income during this time and your support will be a blessing beyond measure. She didn't ask for this tragedy but unfortunately the crimes in Chicago spilled over to an innocent person driving on the highway and now her life will never be the same again.
It is during these moments of tragedy that humanity bonds together to show that we cannot be defeated by evil and that goodness and kindness of people will always prevail in the end. Please help Joanna if you can by going to the GoFundMe page and donate any amount you can. She will forever be grateful to your kindness and generosity. Thank you for your help and support.
Na wysokości ulicy Fullerton Aśce drogę zajechało czarne bmw a kiedy zatrąbiła i przyśpieszyła, próbując wyprzedzić auto ,kierowca zrównał się z jej samochodem, i przez otwarte okno pasażera oddał do niej sześć strzałów. Jedna z kul utkwiła w nodze na wysokości biodra. Joanna została przewieziona do szpitala Masonic Medical Center w Chicago , gdzie zespół chirurgów przeprowadził 2 - godzinną operację rekonstrukcji rozstrzaskanej kości . Joanna ma wstawiony tytanowy pręt i dwie tytanowe śruby , którymi zespolono połamaną kość. Przez kolejne miesiące Joanna nie będzie w stanie podjąć pracy . Lekarze przewidują , że okres rehabilitacji potrwa pół roku.
Zwracamy się z apelem do wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli o finansowe wsparcie.
Liczy się każda pomoc.
In a matter of seconds, a young woman's life was turned upside down because of a senseless act of crime by a complete stranger. Joanna was driving back home on the Kennedy expressway near downtown Chicago when a stranger open fired into her moving car. Several bullets hit her car along the passenger side and sadly one of the bullets struck her legs. Afraid, shocked, and in extreme pain, she somehow found the strength to pull over and call for help. All she remembered when help arrived was how her muscles were dangling off her legs and how she can't feel her legs due to the excruciating pain.
Though she is lucky and blessed to be alive, her bones in her legs were shattered and she will not be able to move around normally for several months. After surgery, doctors told her that they will not be able to remove the bullets in her legs because it was too close to a major artery and can cause serious and life threatening issues if they tried to remove the bullets. They informed her that she will have those bullets lodged inside her for the rest of her life. They were able to put screws on her legs to keep the muscles attached. Please see the pictures.
Due to this ruthless act of this person, Joanna's immediate future is in jeopardy. Joanna is an immigrant from Poland who came to United States to make a better life for herself. She was doing everything right and was working full time to support herself and was attending Triton College to help her prepare for a good future. She is alone here and has no family to help her during this tough period. Her family still lives in Poland and her mom is extremely worried and devastated because she can’t be here to help her daughter through this painful ordeal. She has very minimal support and resources available to help her during this difficult time.
She is scared and worried about how she will be able to do pay her bills if she can barely move. She will not be able to work due to this tragic event for a few months and she has nobody to help her with rent and utilities. Any help and support she can receive while she is recovering will be incredibly helpful and will provide her with some relief for the next few months. She has no other means to get an income during this time and your support will be a blessing beyond measure. She didn't ask for this tragedy but unfortunately the crimes in Chicago spilled over to an innocent person driving on the highway and now her life will never be the same again.
It is during these moments of tragedy that humanity bonds together to show that we cannot be defeated by evil and that goodness and kindness of people will always prevail in the end. Please help Joanna if you can by going to the GoFundMe page and donate any amount you can. She will forever be grateful to your kindness and generosity. Thank you for your help and support.
Organizer and beneficiary
Emilia Bubienko
Chicago, IL
Joanna Okonska