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From Fighting Terrorism to Fighting a Brain Tumor

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Hamody fought tirelessly for five years, operating for U.S. intelligence as one of their most effective assets against terrorism in the Middle East. His contributions and sacrifices in Iraq saved American lives. The intelligence he provided was so important at times that it was shared with President Bush during his briefings. Unfortunately, Hamody operated in an area that was radiated with uranium. The radiation has now caught up with the fighter, husband, and father. He was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. He now begins his battle with a new adversary and is in constant pain but determined to fight back as hard as he can. A native Iraqi, he put his line on the line for Americans frequently. Now he needs help himself. Hamody has no VA benefits because Congress voted down such legislation in 2008. Currently, under the care of an endocrinologist, neurologist, and neurosurgeon, his treatment is just beginning, and it is incredibly expensive. This GoFundMe is to help cover Hamody’s medical costs as he undergoes this arduous and challenging fight.

You can watch the film trailer 




  • Dale Haines
    • $10
    • 5 yrs


Hamody Jasim
Clayton, NC

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