Climbing legend Jim Bridwell fund
Donation protected
Help climbing icon and living legend Jim Bridwell and family with the incadental expenses and treatment of hep c liver and kidney failure. A few months ago My father jim Bridwell started complaining of feeling bloated. Being the tough one he is didn't think much of it. But shortly after returning from a recent trip to Italy for an appearance at a film festival he really started to become extremely swollen to the point of ridiculousness. So I proceeded to take him to Eisenhower's emergency room they said see a primary care physician which he didn't have at that point. So we went home made the appointment. But his stomach kept getting bigger and bigger so two more trips to Eisenhower Medical Emergency Room still nothing has been done for him. At this point he was getting grossly bloated and in pain so I took him to Desert Regional where they immediately tapped and drained 3 and a half liters of fluid from his abdomen and he came home. A few days later waiting for the doctor's appointment he was extremely bloated again so I took him to his doctor's appointment where they proceeded to tell me he needed to go to the er so I took him to Desert regional again. Once there they drained another 7 plus liters of fluid and did a work up various tests to discern what was causing the ascites. Lo and behold he turns up to have Hep C, very common for his age group, my mom suspects he could have contracted from any number of his adventures but more likely than not it came from the tattoo he received from the Headhunter's during his cross navigation of Borneo back in the 80's when I was a kid.
Layton Bridwell
Palm Desert, CA